Horgon Era Titan Era

AliasTitan Era, Age of Gith
Period0 HE - 1895 HE

The Horgon Era, the Age of Gith, or the Titan Era, all a matter of perspective, spans the period 0 HE to 1895 HE. During this era, there were many forces at play, the Horgon flight from their home world Osâchar to the world Bal-Kriav, the rise of the Titan Empires and a great insurrection in the Suellk Empire.

Those of Brucrumus's far north, Cinazan, Ice Cap and Great Expanse, tend to call this period of history the Titan Era. This is because for them the Horgon arrival was not as big an influence as the giants of Aslauthroa, Gadstill Dynasty, Glangveif and Hofthorm. Those of the south, the majority, were affected more by the arrival of Horgon's refugees. This amalgamation of races, once part of a vast empire that had been so easily swept aside by brain-hungry illithids and their Thrall Infinity, brought with them their mixed cultures, customs, and technology. So, like the Lith-Crillion Era, which is named after the people who had the biggest influence, so is the Horgon Era named after the empire and its people that would have a large impact on Bal-Kriav's peoples.

Year 9 HE - Aslauthroa

The storm giants of Gindinâth establish the kingdom of Aslauthroa.

Year 10 HE - Capture of Du'ul Hiim

The yellow dragon Artang-Sund captures Du'ul Hiim.

Year 13 HE - Lambaril

Lambaril is founded by the Lúthil.

Year 16 HE - Varelay Upheaval

The volcanic eruptions and earthquakes of Tha'lith began to subside, ending what has become known as the Varelay Upheaval.

Year 27 HE - Bazud-Ganal

Bazud-Ganal is founded by the Turkûn clans of Dunzakh.

Year 38 HE - Vuzaras Oven

Using an ancient dragon orb, Vuzara creates the volcano Vuzaras Oven.

Year 40 HE - Silnir

Silnir is founded by the fire giants.

Year 44 HE - Hlothrabatta

Hlothrabatta is founded by the goblins.

Year 76 HE - Isan-Kun

The kingdom Isan-Kun is founded by the Svirfneblin city-states of Gullvar.

Year 81 HE - Mulun-Dûna

Mulun-Dûna is founded by Isan-Kun settlers.

Year 92 HE - Arnskar Tranformed

Aslauthroa's use of the Weathermaker turns the swamp Arnskar into a desert.

Year 98 HE - Battle of Hrenor

The giants of Saer Erkjorg and the people of Lúthil fight a great battle in the Eylami valley.

Year 104 HE - Lúthil Arcana Deal

Wizards and hierophants of Lúthil enter into a divine deal with the god Arcana. The Lúthil Arcana Deal begins an age of advancement for arcane and druidic magic.

Year 108 HE - Words of Diist'yol Dein

The ancient dragon Diist'yol Dein tells Kelksorli tales of fire giant glory and gives him a suit of armor called Hofthorm Plate.

Year 110 HE - Guldat Eruption

The volcano Guldat erupts. The Lava Flood War starts.

Year 123 HE -Aphelzâk

The settlement Aphelzâk is founded by the Volgad.

Year 125 HE - Fall of Imrik

In the Lava Flood War, the Volgad kingdom is defeated by a fire giant army under Kelksorli. With the fall of Imrik, the fire giants gain control of much of Borngring. The Volgad establish a new capital at Aphelzâk.

The Šukhan Legion disbands.

The Hallabor War begins.

Year 130 HE - Hallabor War

The Hallabor War ends.

Year 132 HE - Fall of Lúthil

Saer Erkjorg captures Lúthil.

Year 133 HE - Death of Ink'ar

The Impar'lex War, a near century-long conflict between the githyanki and githzerai on Ghífthauk, abruptly ends when all spiritual contact is lost with their demigod Ink'ar.

Year 135 HE - First Suellk Invasion

The illithid empire Suellk begins their invasion of Ghífthauk. This conflict between the illithids, githyanki, and githzerai becomes known as the First Suellk Invasion.

Year 145 HE - Rise of Hofthorm

After years of conflict, the fire giants of Steirgar are united under Chieftain Kelksorli, establishing the Hofthorm Monarchy.

Year 150 HE - Subjugation of Ghífthauk

The First Suellk Invasion ends with the near complete subjugation of the githyanki and githzerai of Ghífthauk. This begins a period of servitude called the Flayer Occupation.

Year 159 HE - Rise of Horgon

The Torc Wars end. Three powerful Durkoth, the Saints of Maen, join their petty empires together forming a confederacy called Horgon.

Year 175 HE - Tinvaakin Kurtulmak

The mage guild Tinvaakin Kurtulmak is established.

Year 176 HE - Zenal-Tarush

The bardic college Zenal-Tarush is established.

Year 212 HE - Rise of Talothand

The fire giants of the Dragon Wall unite their tribes under one king, establishing the Talothand Monarchy.

Year 222 HE - Harknori

The settlement Harknori is founded by the Titan Empire of Hofthorm.

Year 228 HE - Yatthânûr

Nithian wizards from Volgad build the castle of Yatthânûr.

Year 251 HE - Arachnidion

On Cryphoeca, the neogi empire Arachnidion is established.

Year 252 HE - Into Kamoni

Orc tribes led by Gruumsh, drive the Gud-Mortoth, a rival orc tribe infiltrated by Demogorgon cultists, into the Kamoni jungle.

Year 253 HE - Arnogrygg

The settlement Arnogrygg is founded by Hofthorm Monarchy.

Year 256 HE - Telostyxe

Telostyxe is founded by the Fomorian.

Year 260 HE - Tarkrath

The settlement Tarkrath is founded by the Gud-Mortoth.

Year 275 HE - Rise of the Gadstill Dynasty

The stone giants of Hleittil are united under the Gadstill Dynasty.

Year 301 HE - Maldrarg

Fort Maldrarg is founded by the Telostyxe.

Year 310 HE - World Splitter

The Mezrack find an ancient god-made device called the World Splitter.

Year 311 HE - Rise of Malmus

The Malmus Empire is founded.

Year 312 HE - Sacking of Bazud-Ganal

Goliath tribes of Dunzakh sack the dwarven city Bazud-Ganal.

Year 314 HE - Rise of Glangveif

The frost giants of the northern reaches of the Giant Steps are united under a tyrannical ruler. The Glangveif empire is established.

Year 315 HE - Mezrack Start the World Splitter

The Mezrack activate the World Splitter and begin using it to find ore veins inside of Dûlan-Nûl.

Year 321 HE - Thorvir Kroi

Crossing the rapids of the Alarthand river, laborers of Glangveif begin work on Thorvir Kroi bridge.

Year 330 HE - Dûlan-Nûl Breakup

The moon Dûlan-Nûl breaks apart, sending parts of it into Ilabizdum and the others spiraling through the Void.

The settlement Alatáriël is founded by Gwildath colonists.

Year 331 HE - Dûlan-Nûl Firestorm

In what becomes known as the Dûlan-Nûl Firestorm, fragments of the shattered moon Dûlan-Nûl rain down upon the world Bal-Kriav.

Year 332 HE - Azaraglad

The settlement Azaraglad is founded by the survivors of the World Splitter wreckage.

Year 341 HE - Gruordock

Thadir miners begin construction on the castle of Gruordock.

Year 364 HE - Uromon

Uromon is founded by Isan-Kun settlers.

Year 369 HE - Mîmig-Khâla

Mîmig-Khâla is founded by Azaraglad settlers.

Year 371 HE - Vynnendar

Vynnendar is founded by Mulun-Dûna colonists.

Year 400 HE - Khage Splinter

Eight dwarven clans splinter from the Khage. They leave Thadir and travel east where they settle in the peaks of Inzurakthol.

Year 420 HE - Bimothak

Gulgar tribes of Granitoid escape to Bal-Kriav. These tribes, collectively called the Bimothak, settle in the crags of Eldimen.

Year 412 HE - Lumnaar Hok

The settlement Lumnaar Hok is founded by the Kriistvrii.

Year 422 HE - Guthnimor

The Guthnimor settlement is founded by the Sulukhan storm giants.

Year 427 HE - Indushmêk

The settlement Indushmêk is founded by the dwarves of Khalas.

Year 430 HE - Second Suellk Invasion

The Second Suellk Invasion begins.

Year 441 HE - Kathodrarg

Kathodrarg is founded by the half-devil descendants of the Gradorian tribe.

Year 442 HE - Closing of Onk'ar Decath

A Null Mine planted by mortal agents of Lukoon and Athena collapse the rift Onk'ar Decath.

Year 461 HE - Galir-Khizad Uprising

A violent slave revolt begins in Vîlnên.

Year 464 HE - Galir-Khizad Independence

Galir-Khizad throws off the yoke of their Vîlnên masters, once again becoming an independent city-state and ending the Galir-Khizad Uprising.

Year 485 HE - Resalth Lingraav

Minions of the blue dragon Resalth began construction on his fortress-lair Resalth Lingraav.

Year 487 HE - Haugald

In the frigid highlands of the Giant Steps, the frost giants of Glangveif build the settlement Haugald.

Year 488 HE - Taklumlode

The kingdom of Taklumlode is established.

The Dominion of Resalth is established.

Year 500 HE - Froglem

The settlement Froglem is founded by Viing Qeth's bullywug.

Year 503 HE - The Khalas Pact

The Khalas Pact is forged between the dwarven states of the Khalas Glacier.

Year 506 HE - Cinyossion Conflict

The Cinyossion Conflict begins.

Year 507 HE - Rise of Malad-Mîn

The dwarf clans of the central highlands of Khalas unite together under the Malad-Mîn.

Year 512 HE - Vadrarg

The Vadrarg fortress is completed by the fire giant kingdom of Talothand.

Year 514 HE - Izdurgrak

Malad-Mîn begins construction on fort Izdurgrak.

Year 519 HE - Ygasalax

Expanding upwards, Ygasalax is founded by the Malmus Empire.

Year 526 HE - Rise of the Mir'piamauza Empire

The Mir'piamauza Empire is established at Kathodrarg.

The coastal hold of Tyk-Culten is founded by the Mir'piamauza.

Year 527 HE - Fall of of Volgad

The Volgad kingdom falls with the capture of Aphelzâk, ending the Cinyossion Conflict.

Year 528 HE - Rise of Tamlêrran

Nithians establish Tamlêrran.

Year 531 HE - Nizgimân

The settlement Nizgimân is founded by Tamlêrran.

Year 537 HE - Horgon Abandonment of Osâchar

The Second Suellk Invasion ends with the downfall of the Horgon empire. Esaping in ancient voidships called the Helas Vessels, tens of thousands of Durkoth and their slaves flee their home world Osâchar for the stars.

Year 538 HE - Lost in the Void

An armada of voidships called the Revered Minds are lost in a nebulae called Deep Mist.

Year 571 - Carororn

Hobgoblins, cast out from their home world Kriav, build the settlement Carororn.

Year 576 HE - Sodlund

Sodlund is built by the Glangveif.

Year 588 HE - Death of Maglubiyet

The god Maglubiyet is killed by Gruumsh. As a result of this feat, Gruumsh becomes a Higher Power, a god by conquest.

Year 600 HE - Rise of Zeymah'kein

The Kriistvrii peoples of the Aerie of Dragons establish the Zeymah'kein empire.

Year 610 HE - Filion'lyr

Filion'lyr is founded by Thiliorúth malcontents.

Year 612 HE - Fjorstaki

The settlement Fjorstaki is founded by Glangveif.

The Anzar Sect is established.

Year 613 HE - Fjorstaki Rift

A sect of Thyrm fanatics opens the Fjorstaki Rift.

Year 630 HE - Rise of Smizerak

Dwarven clans of Kilth form an alliance that becomes the kingdom of Smizerak.

Year 633 HE - Gholompotl

The settlement Gholompotl is founded by the Kerkril kuo-toans.

Year 640 HE - Vith Alok

Coldwrath, a Zeymah'kein establishes the dragon cult Vith Alok.

Year 643 HE - Suf Sungaar

Suf Sungaar is founded by the Zeymah'kein Empire.

Year 645 HE - Talos Ascends

Talos becomes a Cult Power.

Year 652 HE - Charda'thrae

The settlement Charda'thrae is founded as a mining camp by Filion'lyr prospectors.

Year 689 HE - Azudushmanam

The Azudushmanam fort is built by the Malad-Mîn.

Year 705 HE - Dhaunril'yraen

The settlement Dhaunril'yraen is founded by the Drarthiel drow.

Year 720 HE - Nénharma

Gwildath colonists cross over to Bal-Kriav, establishing the Nénharma settlement.

Year 721 HE - Asmodeus Ascends

Asmodeus becomes a Cult Power.

Aslauthroa builds the stronghold Harkmaer.

Year 730 HE - End of the Sulukhans

The Sulukhan-Svirrurm Feud comes to an end when the Sulukhan family are wiped out at Guthnimor.

Gwildath colonists cross over to Bal-Kriav, establishing the Celanil settlement.

Year 731 HE - Belephant-Elebros

The settlement Belephant-Elebros is founded by Charda'thrae colonists.

Year 737 HE - Irrangrad

The Irrangrad Fortress is built by the Mir'piamauza.

Year 740 HE - Naral-Mîma take Guthnimor

Driven south by the Tungesti, the Naral-Mîma take claim to Guthnimor.

Year 741 HE - Rise of Skuttirk

The sea titans in the deep waters off the coasts of Hleirt Vokun (c.f. Hells Womb) establish the empire Skuttirk.

Year 745 HE - King Asmorgerd Tolfreid

The fire giant warlord Asmorgerd becomes king of Hofthorm.

Year 760 HE - Exiled Fire King

King Asmorgerd, ruler of Hofthorm, charged with being under the influence of Glangveif agents, is de-crowned and exiled.

Year 761 HE - Vadrarg Turncoats

Vadrarg switches sides, joining the Zeymah'kein.

Year 762 HE - Krarthjar

In the southern reaches of Grashakh, construction begins on the fire giant bastion of Krarthjar.

Year 775 HE - Trygrorm

The Storsald stone giants build the Trygrorm keep.

Year 780 HE - Fall of Talothand

The Zeymah'kein destroy the last pocket of fire giant resistance, ending the Talothand Monarchy.

Year 783 HE - Kangjald

Kangjald is built by the fire giants of Krarthjar.

Year 784 HE - Cytus Pupil

Cytus Pupil is founded.

Year 840 HE - Rise of Abhômaipeth

The beholder Abhômaipeth establishes an empire under his name.

Year 846 HE - Antokepf

The settlement Antokepf is founded by the goblins of Emeldimir.

Year 855 HE - Valefor

The Dasath build the settlement Valefor.

The settlement Vhurindrar is founded by Dhaunril'yraen colonists.

Year 862 HE - Horgon Arrival

Remnants of the Horgon empire arrive on Bal-Kriav.

Molakh-Búle establishes the Abâthigûr empire, with Mulun'nâth its capital.

Year 863 HE - Argruxiel

Argruxiel is founded by the Durkoth and Theegans that emerged from the Spire of Krak-Oth.

Year 865 HE - Nagdúrzol

Nagdúrzol is founded by the minions of Rioch Tetrax.

Year 867 HE - Fort Hellstorm

Along Hellstorm Pass, Argruxiel builders begin work on Fort Hellstorm.

Year 869 HE - Gambriath Slaughter

The goblin necromancer Kyvile begins his revenge on Gambriath's sprites.

Year 870 HE - Birth of the Muneyd'vith

At the Spire of Neld-Rac, Neld-Rac creates a dragon-like humanoid called Muneyd'vith.

Year 872 HE - Rise of Ak'mrîtun

Krak-Oth founds the Ak'mrîtun Empire.

Year 881 HE - Tholamid

Tholamid is built by the Glangveif.

Year 882 HE - Phanêthil

The settlement Phanêthil is founded by Abâthigûr.

Year 887 HE - Dominion of Resalth

The Dominion of Resalth is established.

Year 888 HE - Vaknor Gevild

The settlement Vaknor Gevild is founded by Ashmerthoon.

Year 890 HE - Râpha-Sûn

The settlement Râpha-Sûn is founded by Abâthigûr.

Year 891 HE - Bor

The settlement Bor is founded by the Gadstill Dynasty.

Year 892 HE - Binê Sadôr

The settlement Binê Sadôr is founded.

Year 898 HE - March of Resalth

The Dominion of Resalth begins a campaign of territorial expansion, starting the March of Resalth.

Year 899 HE - Fall of Lumnaar Hok

Lumnaar Hok is captured by the Dominion of Resalth.

Year 911 HE - Vampire Wars

The First Merioss Crusade begins.

Year 914 HE - Muzratân

The settlement Muzratân is founded.

Year 915 HE - Mularûn

The settlement Mularûn is founded by the Abâthigûr.

Year 920 HE - Pyre Mug

The First Merioss Crusade ends. Unbenownst to them, the Radiant Cross takes claim of the Pyre Mug.

Year 923 HE - Grisapho Vu'tira

Grisapho Vu'tira, the first Blood Cult of Kezgihr, is founded in the ruins of Drachlaz.

Year 932 HE - Death of Balfroglemis

Balfroglemis is slain by weave spiders.

Year 933 HE - Urgalroth

A Durkoth named Rereth Nemerion begins construction on a laboratory that would become the heart of a massive fortification called Urgalroth.

The end of the March of Resalth gives rise to the Zeymah'kein Resalth War.

Cirongwathir is founded by Nénharma separatists.

Year 941 HE -Ilaleztice

The settlement of Ilaleztice is founded by drow settlers out of Belephant-Elebros

Year 943 HE - Drazh Dok

A special unit of priests and rangers is formed by Smizerak to patrol the fringes of Drachlaz. This order was named Drazh Dok, which is loosely translated Dwarven for Night Vigil.

Year 946 HE - Fall of Resalth

The Dominion of Resalth is destroyed by the Zeymah'kein, ending the Zeymah'kein Resalth War.

Year 952 HE - Bâluzrik

The settlement Bâluzrik is founded by Abâthigûr.

Year 954 HE - Hlotho Zîn

Hlotho Zîn, the second Blood Cult is founded by Kezgihr.

Year 973 HE - Dispaters Concubines

The cult Dispaters Concubines is established by the hobgoblin shamans around Ragil.

Year 980 HE - Okaaz Spiir

The settlement Okaaz Spiir is founded by the Zeymah'kein.

Year 981 HE - Wynvild Split

Wynvild Isle breaks apart. The northern part, named Torvild by the storm giants, floats northward for two hundred miles before hitting the seabed.

Year 988 HE - Kriistvrii Nationalism

Yearning of nationalist sentiment, of a greater Kriistvrii state, the city-state Diiv Revakaad joins the Zeymah'kein Empire.

Year 995 HE - Durkoth Descent

Across Midrêth, the Durkoth begin mutating. For some it takes years to undergo the process, others only days. With a body more suitable for the sea, the mutated Durkoth leave for deep water, beginning the Durkoth Descent.

Year 996 HE - Birth of the Aggorath

The first Aggorath is born from a Muneyd'vith and a hobgoblin.

Year 998 HE - Naudvar War

Seeking territory claimed by Tuc'hoom, the Durkoth empire Abâthigûr starts the Naudvar War.

Year 1000 HE - First Sussgurd Liberation

The Sussgurd drive out the Hydrocur from Râpha-Sûn and seize the city from the waning empire Abâthigûr.

Year 1001 HE - Rise of Kuladul

With Carororn its capital, the hobgoblin empire Kuladul is established.

The Ak'mrîtun Empire moves its capital from Argruxiel to Binê Sadôr.

Year 1003 HE - Sundering of Ghol Markúl

The isle of Ghol Markúl is ripped asunder by the concerted sonic blasts of an army of whales. The Sundering of Ghol Markúl ends the Naudvar War.

Year 1009 HE - Immortal Molakh-Búle

Nearing the end of his natural life, Molakh-Búle, leader of the Abâthigûr Empire, embraces lichdom.

Year 1011 HE - Fall of Abâthigûr

Its Durkoth masters gone to the deeps of Zen'nêlkhush, the Abâthigûr Empire comes to an end.

Giracian ascends to godhood.

Year 1013 HE - Ogharkú

The undersea settlement Ogharkú is founded by the Durkoth.

Year 1017 HE - Ogharkú

Many Durkoth of the Spire of Neld-Rac began mutating. These Chosen Durkoth make for the seas, joining the Durkoth Descent.

Year 1019 HE - Hydrocur Depart Necrocrypt

The Hydrocur, faced with the scourge of undead, abandon Nithlurik. They journey southwest, settling in the bays of northern Izagunbar.

The undersea settlement Bue'kaa is founded by the Hydrocur.

Year 1020 HE - Limac-Nîr

The undersea settlement Limac-Nîr is founded by the Durkoth under Neld-Rac.

Year 1024 HE - Tua'kee

The island port Tua'kee is built.

Year 1190 HE - Tiamat Ascends

Tiamat becomes a Cult Power.

Year 1126 HE - Phlem

The settlement Phlem is founded by Gurutharni's Vedrii.

Year 1053 HE - Kol'taa

Kol'taa is built by the Hydrocur.

Year 1099 HE - Thjorygg Ascends

Thjorygg ascends to godhood.

Year 1100 HE - Durkoth Departure

The Durkoth, drawn to the seas by the Durkoth Descent, begin leaving the Ak'mrîtun Empire.

Year 1121 HE - Neld-Rac Ascends

Neld-Rac becomes a Cult Power.

Year 1122 HE - Zomaar Yelvaad

Minulkazar traders establish the settlement Zomaar Yelvaad; Draconic words for Terrible Raft.

Year 1150 HE - Durkoth Depart Nagdúrzol

Durkoth begin leaving Nagdúrzol for the deeps of the Pearl Sea.

Year 1155 HE - Ghaundan

The settlement of Ghaundan is founded.

Year 1170 HE - Inendeep

Inendeep is founded.

Year 1180 HE - Ikhenholmbracs End

Ikhenholmbrac abandons his empire, flies west to his final rest at Viing Qeth.

Year 1200 HE - Durkoth Abandon Ak'mrîtun

The last of the Durkoth abandon Ak'mrîtun.

Year 1209 HE - Varrogrith

Varrogrith is founded by the Mir'piamauza Empire.

Year 1211 HE - Gatiranda Independence

Gatiranda becomes an independent city-state.

Year 1216 HE - First Burn

The First Burn erupts between the Zeymah'kein and the Mir'piamauza.

Year 1225 HE - Treaty of Naas Horit

The Treaty of Naas Horit ends the First Burn.

Year 1239 HE - Berrobess

The settlement of Berrobess is founded by the Mir'piamauza.

Year 1244 HE - Vulon Viing

The Vulon Viing, a cell of the Vith Alok is established at Phanaca.

Year 1247 HE - Zerot

Zerot is founded.

Year 1250 HE - Tiamat's Influence

Followers of Tiamat cause trouble in the Zeymah'kein Empire.

Year 1251 HE - Nil Koraaviik

The science group Nil Koraaviik is founded by Zeymah'kein scholars.

Year 1266 HE - Runelderil

In the subterranean lands of Greroch, the Runelderil Empire is founded.

Year 1279 HE - Platinum Inquisition

The Zeymah'kein churches of Bahamut began rooting out Tiamat's followers, starting the Platinum Inquisition.

Year 1285 HE - Birth of the Elderaunt

In the labs of Bue'kaa, deep under the waters of Ginnoth, the Hydrocur create the Elderaunt race.

Year 1288 HE - Krak-Oth Ascends

Krak-Oth becomes a Cult Power.

Year 1290 HE - Tiamat's Flock Expelled

The Platinum Inquisition ends with the exile of all those following Tiamat to lands beyond the reach of the Zeymah'kein .

Year 1293 HE - Viing Prolgiid

The settlement Viing Prolgiid is founded by Zeymah'kein exiles.

Year 1299 HE - Pit of the Light Reaper

The Pit of the Light Reaper is completed.

Year 1301 HE - Rioch Tetrax Ascends

The Primordial Splinter makes Rioch Tetrax a Cult Power.

The Kriistvrii of Viing Prolgiid establish the empire Galirkrad.

Year 1302 HE - Arazindam

The settlement Arazindam is founded by Andigimok colonists.

Year 1306 HE - Rise of Gimhak

With Izanargam its capital, the kingdom of Gimhak is established.

Year 1310 HE - Whitefang

A cult dedicated to dragon mastery and creation is founded at Viing Prolgiid. This cult is called Whitefang and works closely with the Galirkrad military.

Year 1315 HE - Subversion Campaign

Whitefang begins infiltrating Vith Alok.

Year 1311 HE - Vul Gol

The settlement Vul Gol is founded by the Zeymah'kein Empire.

Year 1340 HE - Zeymah'kein Valefor War

War erupts between Valefor and the Zeymah'kein. This conflict becomes known as the Zeymah'kein Valefor War.

Year 1355 HE - Thyrms Breath

A minor unnatural ice age grips the lands. This lasts nearly two hundred years and kills countless souls. This event is called Thyrms Breath. This ice age leads to the disappearance of the Durkoth and is often considered the conclusion of the Durkoth Descent.

Valefor is overrun by demon hordes.

Year 1362 HE - Zeymah'kein Valefor War

The Zeymah'kein Valefor War ends.

Year 1372 HE - Sakullêth

The settlement Sakullêth is founded.

Year 1388 HE - Keel Overlook

Dromite pirates establish the settlement Keel Overlook.

Year 1402 HE - Neben-Skerah

The underground religious complex Neben-Skerah is built by followers of Tiamat.

Weakened by long conflicts in Khalas, civil war erupts in the Gadstill Dynasty.

Year 1405 HE - Dragon Cult Subversion

Whitefang's subversion campaign against Vith Alok ends. The Cult's original beliefs of dragon empowerment and reverence are nearly gone. The Cult is now one of evil machinations with the goals of dragon domination and creating new dragon-blooded creatures.

Year 1411 HE - Moth

The settlement Moth is founded by the hobgoblins of Esto'khar.

Year 1415 HE - Anarukthalan

Anarukthalan is founded by Isharg colonists of the kingdom of Gimhak.

Year 1422 HE - Vorthad

Elkroz Vah fire giants finish constructing the massive castle Vorthad.

Year 1426 HE - Mokerrian Ascends

Mokerrian ascends from divine influence, becoming the first neogi Higher Power.

Year 1430 HE - Balmoloch

Balmoloch is founded as a trading post.

Year 1441 HE - Snirthjar

The settlement Snirthjar is founded by Aslauthroa.

Year 1456 HE - Second Burn

The Second Burn begins.

Year 1459 HE - Dragon Lord

Dinok'suf becomes the Dragon Lord of the Zeymah'kein Empire.

Year 1474 HE - Treaty of Berrobess

The Treaty of Berrobess ends the Second Burn.

Year 1499 HE - Vith Niigol

Zeymah'kein builds Vith Niigol.

Year 1501 HE - Boletus Stop

Moving on a fungal of their making, Boletus stops at the border of two rival city-states.

Year 1504 HE - Third Burn

The Third Burn begins.

Year 1506 HE - Galzaras Watch

Galzaras Watch is built by the Zeymah'kein.

Year 1512 HE - Lot 396

In the early morning hours of 12 Hollow, Lot 396 escaped a biosphere of Alcha-pok, becoming the first Hive Swarm.

Beirgnar Fingil, an all-female order of storm giant war maidens, is founded at Griddrir.

Year 1513 HE - Gwaelergoth Circle

The Gwaelergoth Circle is established as a defensive force to combat the plague of insects coming out of the Hive.

Year 1521 HE - Zeymah'kein Abandons Hells Womb

The growing conflict with Mir'piamauza, forces the Zeymah'kein to abandon their territorial interests in Hells Womb.

Year 1522 HE - Battle of Vith Ruus

The Battle of Vith Ruus ends the Third Burn.

Year 1531 HE - Incarsabec Rebellion

Githyanki and githzerai slaves of Suellk, rise up against their slave lords, starting the Incarsabec Rebellion.

Year 1533 HE - Fall of Gadstill Dynasty

Armies of the Khalas Pact capture Aemar, ending the Gadstill Dynasty.

Year 1534 HE - End of the Khalas Pact

With the defeat of their greatest enemies, the Khalas Pact is dissolved.

The psychic virus Igtats Thoughts is born.

Year 1535 HE - Fall of Saer Erkjorg

A civil war brings down the eldritch empire Saer Erkjorg.

Year 1537 HE - Spoiling of Hou'tzor

The lich Erthjorn is defeated by the soldiers of Izdurgrak. Erthjorn's end results in his essence draining into the deathly cold ice of Hou'tzor.

The settlement of Anta'lumin is founded by Azwyr Amoruk refugees of Saer Erkjorg.

Year 1539 HE - End of Igtats Thoughts

The psychic virus Igtats Thoughts burns out.

Year 1540 HE - Fall of Cha-ka

Cha-ka is ravaged by a Hive Swarm.

Year 1544 HE - End of the Incarsabec Rebellion

Most of the former slaves of Suellk have abandoned their home world Ghífthauk and left for the Astral Sea, ending the Incarsabec Rebellion.

Year 1545 HE - Githzerai Come to Bal-Kriav

Githzerai refugees of the Incarsabec Rebellion establish a home in the Kuli-Cir Forest.

Gith becomes Vla'akith I, ruler of the newly formed B'lailleth Empire.

Year 1552 HE - Feeding of Kezgihr Begins

Vampires, starved from overfeeding and conditions brought on by Thyrms Breath, began making inroads into Honmin. This vampire menace becomes known as the Feeding of Kezgihr.

Year 1555 HE - Thyrms Breath

The ice age Thyrms Breath ends.

Year 1559 HE - Birth of Amaglothorn

Whitefang incubates and hatches one of Tiamats Clutch, calling the white dragon hatching Amaglothorn.

Year 1575 HE - Third Dragon Wake

The Third Dragon Wake begins. The Zeymah'kein city Lumnaar Hok is destroyed by an awakened apocalypse dragon.

Year 1576 HE - Dragon Slumber

The dragons of the Third Dragon Wake return to their slumbers, ending the dragon scourge.

Year 1577 HE - Last Burn

The Last Burn begins.

Year 1579 HE - Duluk-Zirag

The settlement Duluk-Zirag is founded by Arazindam.

Year 1581 HE - Hyassalmo

Hyassalmo is founded by Eldalweril.

Year 1588 HE - Selûn

The settlement Selûn is founded by the Alukhans.

Year 1594 HE - Khilgand

Castle Khilgand is built by those serving under the red dragon Nveryioth.

Year 1600 HE - Fall of Zeymah'kein

The Zeymah'kein Empire is defeated by Mir'piamauza, ending the Last Burn.

Declaring independence, Vhurindrar begins the Nebulous War with Dhaunril'yraen.

Year 1602 HE - Strumpktar

Strumpktar is founded by Gimhak colonists.

Year 1603 HE - Fihrreah

The settlement Fihrreah is founded by illithids under the elder brain Berb'othe.

The Nebulous War ends.

Year 1608 HE - Mir'piamauza Civil War

The Mir'piamauza Civil War begins.

Year 1610 HE - Kel'gah

Kel'gah is founded by Gradorians fleeing the Mir'piamauza Civil War.

Year 1612 HE - Fall of Mir'piamauza

Internal strife and a wrecked economy shatters the Mir'piamauza Empire.

Year 1613 HE - Azrunâth

Azrunâth is founded by Mir'piamauza refugees.

Year 1625 HE - Cenereth

Cenereth is built.

Year 1614 HE - Gradorians Re-Occupy Bruh Gevul

Refugees of Mir'piamauza move into the ancient ruin of Bruh Gevul.

Year 1615 HE - Rise of the Draguron Syndicate

The Draguron Syndicate is established.

Year 1617 HE - Kathodrarg Abandoned

Stricken by disease and haunted by malevolent spirits, Kathodrarg is abandoned.

Year 1619 HE - Hydrocur Departure from Izagunbar

The Elderaunts drive the Hydrocur from the bays and islands of northern Izagunbar.

Year 1621 HE - Varrogrith Sacked

Ashmerthoon sacks Varrogrith.

Year 1633 HE - Dragur

Fort Dragur is built by the Draguron Syndicate.

Year 1648 HE - Nym-Zoedine

The Nym-Zoedine glacier is formed after Glangveif warlocks use an ancient primordial artifact to freeze an entire hobgoblin army.

Year 1649 HE - Orra

Orra is resettled by the Duraigosân tribe.

Year 1666 HE - Kezgihr Ascends

Kezgihr ascends from divine influence, becoming the first vampire Higher Power.

Year 1675 HE - Gúra

Gúra is founded by the Toomrur.

Year 1686 HE - Rîni

The Abusai resettle Rîni.

Year 1698 HE - Boletus Chain

Boletus chemists create the drug EQ13-Mycel; better known today as Boletus Chain.

Year 1711 HE - Chaongrit

A massive feywild fuse opens in Xalyth. It is named Chaongrit after the xvart druid responsible for its opening.

Year 1712 HE - Zisi-Nul

The Githzerai mercenary company Zisi-Nul is established at Ara'rya.

Year 1725 HE - Fall of Viing Prolgiid

Ashmerthoon captures Viing Prolgiid. This ushers in the downfall of Galirkrad, the last Kriistvrii empire.

Year 1726 HE - The Shi'gah

The people of the Primus Hexaconta, half-Gimrune, half-Machined, become known as the Shi'gah.

Year 1731 HE - Hagurthand

Fort Hagurthand is built by Duluk-Zirag.

Year 1742 HE - Glagengrane

After resurrecting the blue dragon Glagengrane, the dragon cultists of Whitefang turn him into a dracolich.

Year 1745 HE - Rise of Ethenoran

Threatened by Râpha-Sûn, the fey of northern Karnegmoth establish the Ethenoran Confederacy.

Granted a settlement charter by Duluk-Zirag, the settlement of Sigatharkin is founded.

Year 1755 HE - Sos Vrii

The dragon cult Sos Vrii is founded by the hobgoblin sorcerer Kynux.

Year 1776 HE - Fall of Moth

Moth falls to Draguron.

Year 1789 HE - Tigošal

The settlement Tigošal is founded by the Duraigosân.

Year 1798 HE - Feeding of Kezgihr Ends

The Feeding of Kezgihr comes to an end.

Year 1801 HE - Esto'khar Conflict

The Esto'khar Conflict comes to an end.

Year 1812 HE - Undead Nveryioth

Nveryioth is turned into a dracolich.

Year 1815 HE - Gon'tora

The settlement of Gon'tora is founded by the aboleth.

Year 1821 HE - Nurum-Maluk

The settlement of Nurum-Maluk is founded by the Sigatharkin.

Year 1831 HE - Ukhan Archives

After the death of a famous elderaunt historian named Ukhan, the sprawling complex of research, libraries, and record storage structures around his tower is named the Ukhan Archives.

Year 1850 HE - Malardân

The settlement Malardân is founded by the Mîmêk.

Year 1862 HE - Tiya'lith

The Tiya'lith Empire is established.

Year 1864 HE - Third Gudrall War

The Third Gudrall War begins.

Year 1868 HE - Azoloch

Azoloch is built by Gon'torians.

Year 1872 HE - Bughor

The Third Gudrall War ends with no victors.

The settlement Bughor is founded by Ches'sax and her Toomrur army.

Year 1880 HE - The Blighted Council

Dark treants and undead treats calling themselves the Blighted Council take over the Antokepf's government.

Year 1881 HE - The Glutton Ascends

The Glutton ascends to godhood.

Year 1888 HE - Tharuzbaluk

The settlement Tharuzbaluk is founded by Hagurthand fishermen.

Year 1890 HE - Poseidon's Wrath

In his second major violation of the Mandate of the Heavens, Poseidon sinks part of the Arskel Peaks, destroying the storm giant city of Hleirim and creating the bay Klo'nah Lomok; the Sinking of Hleirim.

Year 1891 HE - Fall of Aslauthroa

The 9th Aslauthroa Civil War ends with the break-up of the Aslauthroa Empire.

Fihrreah falls to the aboleth slave armies of Gon'tora.

Year 1892 HE - Ginrall

The settlement Ginrall is founded by illithids under the elder brain Enen'kykha.

Year 1895 HE - Talos Demoted

Ending what some call the Titan Era, Talos is demoted, losing his status as a Higher Power.

The First Epoch
EpochEra BeginEra End
Dawn Era1 DE8777 DE
God Era8778 GE9500 GE
Lith-Crillion Era1 LE2890 LE
Horgon Era1 HE1895 HE
First Epoch1999
Second Epoch10001499
Third Epoch15002000