
Asmodeus, before becoming a Fallen Angel
CategoryHigher Powers
RaceDevil (Archdevil)
Lord of the Ninth255 GE - present
Fallen Angel255 GE - present
CSC152 GE - 255 GE
Alignmentlawful evil
Symboljeweled scepter
DomainDiabolic, Law, Pact, Planning
EnemiesOrcus, all demon-kind
Born19 Witchrite 7009 DE
Godhood9 War March 721 HE

Asmodeus was a Covenant leader, battling the primordials of the Creation War, and then the demons in the Demon Spawn War (89 GE - 269 GE). A cunning tactician, he is feared for his skill in outwitting and outmaneuvering his opponents.

In 152 GE, the Covenant leader Ares ascended, becoming a Higher Power. His second-in-command was Asmoedus. Highly charismatic, skilled in battle, though of questionable temperament, he was chosen to take over as the Covenant's Supreme Commander. As CSC, Asmodeus divided worlds into what became as the Modeus Grid. Sectors of this were assigned to generals or given up to the demons. It was part of a plan that had been ten years in the making. It was different approach to war than that of his predecessor. Ares's grand strategy of holding everything was replaced with Asmodeus plan of sacrificing entire sectors and their soldiers for ultimate victory.

In the Demon Spawn War, Asmodeus was aided by a number of great leaders. Bahamut fought alongside him in the Hoof Front (215 GE - 230 GE). Lukoon served as Asmodeus's chief of intelligence.

It is said the length and brutality of the Demon Spawn War was too much for Asmodeus, turning him dark, leading to fighting on equal terms with an enemy that would often give no quarter and do anything to win. At the Trial of Asmodeus, Asmodeus and others were found guilty of creating secret armies, and the illegal use of a Well of Afterlife.

The Covenant formed a delegation, which set off immediately for Dis. To their surprise, the once-featureless plain of Tyr-Mourn had been transformed into training camps for hellish beings with no problem fighting the demons on their terms, they followed the harsh code of war, the beaten are either made slaves or killed.

They found the Well of Afterlife, illegally used, and of ill-purpose. They saw souls emerging in their new forms, diabolic things built for fighting the demons.

"What goes on here?", Heironeous demanded.

"Higher authority has granted us the power to harvest souls", replied Asmodeus. "To protect the Forge Worlds, and take the fight to the enemy, we naturally had to find ways to do this."

Heironeous, under the authority of the Quara'tun Judges, bellowed - “It is your job to punish transgressions, not to encourage them!"

On 3 Lunar 255 GE, Asmodeus and his lieutenants were found guilty of secretly capturing souls with a Well of Afterlife, building secret armies, and dozens of other violations of the Covenant's code of conduct. They were banished from the Mortal Systems, joining the ranks of the Fallen Angels. On the world Nessus, Asmodeus became Lord of the Ninth, master of nine worlds which became better known as the Nine Hells.

Asmodeus and Dispater created the devils, an immortal people specially made to handle hostile environments, and most importantly, not above using dirty tactics against their enemies.

When Asmodeus was banished from the Mortal Systems, one of the units that went with him was the 82nd Last Hope. The descendants of this unit, born on Nessus, were transformed into the diabolic nature of their home world. Sinister versions of the Triton, they were the first of the Sahuagin race.

In the Lith-Crillion Era, agents of Asmodeus lured the Piamauza tribe to his home world. In the Horgon Era, 3,000 descendants of the Piamauza, all half-devils, were sent back to the world of Bal-Kriav. Faring better than the Sahuagin, Asmodeus's first attempt at creating a religious base, they built the Mir'piamauza Empire (526 HE - 1612 HE). From Kathodrarg, proselytizers spread the word of Asmodeus by sword and manipulation, helping make Asmodeus a Cult Power on 9 War March 721 HE.

Asmodeus, 1st Edition Stat Block

In 1503, Asmodeus presided over the marriage of his hellish champion Rax and lich general of the Black Tide named Katrana.

In 1695, the death Coeus left the Ba'lith Empire open new religion. Asmodean priests of Taklumlode, with the backing of the empire's new emperor, went to work, tearing down the churches and shrines to Coeus, replacing them with those of Asmodeus.

One practice of the Church of Asmodeus is the cleansing wounds with fire. Church guidelines for healing an infection are first apply a hot iron to the wounds, then follow with the healing spell. They call this brand the Touch of Asmodeus. Even though it has nothing to do with the healing process, some see it as being closer to their god, and perhaps even garnering a bit of divine favor. In some areas, like Ba’lith, people carry such scars with pride.

The Church of Asmodeus follows a centralized command structure, akin to an army. The strongest of these religious fortresses is the Church of the Ninth Pillar, at the very heart of the city Galir-Khizad.

Church Hierarchy of Asmodeus
Barracks Church, 1-9small churches, cult-level
Church of the Pillars, 1-6top strongholds
Church of the Seventh PillarMerorarg
Church of the Eighth PillarParadomea City
Church of the Ninth PillarGalir-Khizadtop Church of Asmodeus on Bal-Kriav
Sources of Divine Power
Core WorshipProselytizers
Ba'lithHouse Vrankalli
Hadal One82nd Last Hope
Known Powers
Boss's Orderscompelled to carry-out Asmodeus's orders as if under a quest spell