On 2 Witchrite 630 HE, the Lith-Crillion Era city-states of Felak, Gulud-Burâg, Ilagandam, and Tholig-Mizin came together as a federation of states under the name of Smizerak. Each of these city-states, with a common history of being dominated, first by the Reds of Kilth, then Varelay (684 LE - 2620 LE), initially came together for mutual defense.
The Federation of Smizerak came together during the beginnings of a great undead plague. Over the next three centuries, its eastern interests came under attack by vampires, death giants, and other undead spawned from the dark ruin of Drachlaz. During this dark time, a number of holy orders were established; each built to hunt undead and the unholy. Most of these orders along with the armies of Smizerak came together in the First Merioss Crusade (911 HE - 920 HE), cleansing the unholy from the four corners of Kazzatar.
In 1017, the marines of the Ora Tubruš, navy of the Ivory Asylum, captured the city-state of Salandirik. A long-time friend and trading partner of Smizerak, the entry of Ivory Asylum into regional affairs was not welcomed by the federation or any other in the region . After the founding of Ivory Ward in 1020, a fortified harbor even closer to Smizerak than Salandirik, conflict ensued. Over the next four centuries, the two sides were friends when they had to be. Smizerak's fortunes rebounded in 1465, with Ivory Asylum driven out by the death fleets of Admiral Bloodtusk. During the Black Tide War (1465 - 1486) and the wars of the Bloodtusk Regime, Smizerak became a major supplier of war materials, laborers, mercenaries, and slaves.