
Notable cults, companies, guilds, orders, and schools.

Mage Guilds
Name Type Owner
Anzar Sect religious sect independent
Arch-Mages of Merioss arcanists independent
Akumîlû secret police Pharzîmrâth
Aldassinen thieves guild independent
ALO insurgent independent
Anatomical Academy school independent
Apocalypse Corps military order Council of Bile
Artificers of 3-I Third Instructor
As'lith Zybis cultists Blood Cults of Kezgihr
Athenas Lanterns order independent
Balforn Sky Academy school independent
Batanullêth secret police Orchish Empire
Beirgnar Fingil military order independent
Blood Cults of Kezgihr cultists independent
Borurthane cultists independent
Brain Inspectors secret police Tamlêrran
Bralda-Balc criminal organization independent
CIB Nawirrûs Covenant
CPD intelligence division Nawirrûs Covenant
Cheldremn cultists independent
Circle of Hullback druid independent
Court of One Hundred Eyes think tank Orchish Empire
Creed of Tech clandestine service Engineen
Cult of Worms cultists, undead, Thasmudyan independent
Dead Guard religious sect, Hades independent
Decay Conclave druid, blighter independent
Dispaters Concubines cultists independent
Einglach fey protectors independent
Eldritch Conclave arcanists independent
Elrond Melwasúl cultists independent
Embers arcanists independent
Entropic Guard military order Council of Bile
Entropy cultists independent
Frenzy cultists Entropy
Gebs Chosen cultists independent
Grand Arcanes arcanists Nawirrûs Covenant
Gray Matrix assassins guild independent
Grey Nil secret police Black Tide
Grisagwer military order Council of Bile
Grisapho Vu'tira cultists Blood Cults of Kezgihr
Gûrkimâdda military order independent
Gwaelergoth Circle druid independent
Gwatherfin druid independent
Girderhead Institute school (military) Girderhead
Hlothran school (gladiator) independent
Hlotho Zîn cultists Blood Cults of Kezgihr
Howling Wind conjurers independent
Ilfengrim necromancers independent
Irastâmâz school (alchemist) Tusken Council
Ishtu Irrai holy order independent
Ilôthawar arcanists independent
Kamrazîr assassins guild Khazarkar Empire
Khaa'khas necromancy, shadow independent
Kashu'khas special interest independent
Khirêl Tâmândêth school Zenduram
Ladies of Castration military order Council of Bile
League of Magicks arcanists independent
Lix Tetrax military command staff Ba'lith
Loremasters of Ermikel history independent
Malreeth secret police Council of Bile
Mârukhatâz lore hiding independent
Melriths Gardeners cultists independent
Merchant League trade syndicate Paradomea City
Mêšodaðûz lore collectors independent
Minotaur Trade Federation trade syndicate Ba'lith
Mutant Progress Bureau company independent
Mutation cultists Entropy
Nature Protectorates druid independent
Nawenglorûs War Maidens Nawenglorûs faction Athena
Neetch Institute school Khazarkar Empire
Night Vigil military order independent
Nil Koraaviik science independent
Numakkhalgu Multarax school HDC
Oduv Ven arcanists independent
Overwatch intelligence division Orchish Empire
Order of the Solars religious order independent
Pallid Bone religious sect independent
Paradomea Consortium trade syndicate Paradomea
Paradomea Institute school independent
Pharêthôn assassins guild Dax
Phâte Ubrî cultural affairs Khazarkar Empire
Portal Sentinels rifts independent
Pruziig Sken religious order independent
Pulogmac exploration Council of Bile
Purl Lattice criminal organization independent
Quadrax monks, mentalists, elemental independent
Quara'tun Judges legal division Quara'tun Covenant
Radiant Cross military order independent
Râpha-Nâr Oversight Board trade group independent
Rat Swarm criminal organization independent
Realm Stalkers assassins guild independent
Rings of the Emperor clandestine service Orchish Empire
Ryldorvir cultists independent
Sanagar-Umlâs cultists independent
Savagor cultists, wererat Entropy
Scourge of Athena military order independent
Sewer thieves guild, wererat Rat Swarm
Shadow Sect assassins guild independent
Sil Vaarnufaaz ancient vampires independent
Sintangad assassins guild Black Tide of Thasmudyan
Six Arcane arcanists independent
Society of Biomechanics biomechanics Nordern
Sokei Dein cultists independent
Soothsayers of Blipool psionicist guild independent
Sos Vrii cultists, dragon Vith Alok
Sphere Oversight Division creation planning independent
Stone Wardens military order, Geb independent
Tangled Weave school Sanguine Whispers
Tazu Hidyal arcanists, mentalists, zealots independent
Târush-Ginâth secret police Khazarkar Empire
Tearberon clandestine service Council of Nine
Thieleth clandestine service Roongutil
The Pure psionicist guild independent
Thought Trust psionicist guild independent
Tîra-Phâth cultists Vith Alok
Úrwath school independent
Vith Alok cultists independent
Vorjunt smith / insurgent independent
Vulon Viing cultists Vith Alok
Wardens of Aspungad military order Council of Bile
Wardens of Bal-Kriav recovery and disposal Covenant
Whitefang cultists Vith Alok
Widows of Modrerthim cultists independent
Zenal-Tarush school independent

Guilds are formed to serve some interest. This interest could be collective bargaining, protection, extortion, criminal activities, research, and so on. Some guilds are restricted to certain races, sex, faith, class or other characteristics. The means of becoming a member of guild also varies, some you only have to pay a monthly due and/or fee, while in others you may have to be sponsored.

Many guilds will have affiliate guilds, or shadow guilds, which are cover organizations for their more criminal activities. These shadow guilds will often take the penalty for heinous and illegal activities which could result in their expulsion or sanctioning of the group from a city or region. The loss of a shadow guild or its sanctioning allows the true guild to remain intact and able to carry out its normal activities. In extreme cases, investigations may track down the source of the shadow guild's power and result in severe penalties and possible death to the leaders of the true guild.

Me? In charge? Oh no, I was given the title Guild Master, it is my employers who should take the blame, how was I to know what they were doing and that there were multiple levels of control, I'm just a marionette!

- Doc Chiidel, Guild Master of a shadow guild to the Alluvium Wardens - "Pleas to the Gilogoth Magistrate"

Companies are mainly formed to make money. They may act either for themselves or be a government entity. Agencies are generally termed as those in service to a government.