
Phanaca - Skycius
RegionNorthern Hordelands
Built26 Hollow 400 LE

Built by Sâlo Tânê 11, this mountain outpost served as a Lith-Crillion research center, studying the fiery things coming out of Tyf Badikar.

In 1001 LE, Phanaca fell to Frolfreki's Basalt Legion. A multi-race army of stone and earth giants, magmin and fire elementals, all normally enemies, came together to end the evil work of Phanaca's "mad scientists".

In 1244 HE, Phanaca became the home of the Vulon Viing. Phanaca's garrison conists of vampires, death giants, ghouls, ju-ju zombies, a skeletal legion, at least one dracolich or two, chimera, manticore, and three yeth hound kennels.

In the lowest reaches of Phanaca is a labyrinth where feral minotaurs and other foul beasts hunt for sport. Named the Bloody Maze, it is a great money-maker for Phanaca. This entertainment area, gambling, and other business interests are often at odds with Vith Alok's goals.