
Creation4 Hollow 15 DE
NativeBal-Kriav, others

Early in the Dawn Era, Piranoth created the Aboleth race. They were his intelligent overseers, watching over the dark watery domains on several of his earliest created worlds. His earliest writings of them say they were neutral in their ways, that he erred in giving them too great of an intellect. After some went rogue, he restricted their movements, keeping them from populating the other worlds of what was then known as Piranoths Steps.

In the Abyssal Release (7777 DE - 8777 DE), the aboleth found themselves harassed, enslaved, and even exterminated on some of the worlds of what was becoming better known as the Abyss. Like the primordials, the demons did not trust them, even feared them for their great intellect. During this time, one group of aboleth experimented with entropic energy, creating an aberration they named Blibdoolpoolp.

Aboleth were brought to Bal-Kriav in the Demon Spawn War (89 GE - 269 GE). Minions of Athroond, under the direct command of Blibdoolpoolp, the aboleth built great strongholds in the deeps and shores of the Green Nebulous and the Cthorgo Sea.

Racial Traits
Racial as aboleth
Lifespan semi-immortal