Vith Alok

wyrm mastery, tenet of the Vith Alok
Regionsee below
Kolmgar1822 - present
Nir-Madyin1322 - 1822
Purposedragon worship, control, creation
Established16 Lunar 640 HE

Vith Alok is an ancient cult dedicated to dragons. How they have viewed dragons and used them has varied over time. In the early days, it was one of reverence to them as powerful and majestic creatures. Today, the cult is more interested in controlling them, creating dracoliches, and using them to carry out their nefarious activities.

Vith Alok was founded by Krahbah, follower of Bahamut, and leading authority on dragons and dragon magic across the Zeymah'kein Empire (600 HE - 1600 HE). With his relation to Bahamut, once highly respected by the cult, today he is a mere footnote.

In the cult's first six centuries, its members paid more homage to Bahamut than Tiamat. The intrigues of Galirkrad (1301 HE - 1725 HE) are blamed for planting the seeds that would turn the cult to the side of Tiamat. This corrupting influence began around 1315 HE with Whitefang agents infiltrating Vith Alok. Trouble between Zeymah'kein and Mir'piamauza made things harder for all those in the zone of conflict. As a result, some took to using harsher methods when dealing with others, things approved by the evil god Tiamat but not by the goodly Bahamut.

In 1405 HE, hunted by Zeymah'kein's crusaders, the dragon cultists answering to Tiamat were driven out. Hundreds of them were charged with crimes against dragon-kind. Vith Alok split into two main groups, one headed east where they joined Whitefang, the others west into the lands of Hells Womb.

In 431, the cult suffered division when some of its members opposed the practice of creating dracoliches. After heavy internal fighting, members secretly pledged to Bahamut became the dragon cult Vodrerak.

In 1322, by force, the lich Drog'paagol became the cult's 17th Dragon Headmaster. After taking charge, he unlocked some of the Cult's ancient and secretive vaults, dolling out ancient dragon spells to the Cult's dragons and its members. In the centuries that followed, spells like cold curtain, death door, contact archetype, and other dragon magic became more common to the realm's mages.

The primary goal of the cult is the creation of dracoliches. The second goal is using the might of dragons to carry out the cult's machinations. Some of the more notable dragons to undergo the transformation to dracolich are Glagengrane, Slag, Flameghulead, Staticikana, Rubicon, and Torfillifus.

A decentralized organization, Vith Alok has chapters in six regions. Some cells go beyond making dracoliches, with the Sos Vrii and Whitefang mixing dragon blood and ancient rituals with living subjects, experiments that led to the creation of the races of Ved'ogiim and the Diiv Kiir.

Cells of Vith Alok
CellRegionLocationLeaderEstablishedJoined Vith Alok
Gosvah NahkropHigh Wood CountryHlogiannuc
Sos VithMa'Ohari Phar Zîn
Sos VriiGrashakhKhilgandNveryioth1755 HE655
Tîra-PhâthHells WombAthenas Daggers 10571330
Vulon ViingNorthern HordelandsPhanacaAzalea1244 HE
WhitefangAerie of DragonsNeben-SkerahFo Moriim1310 HE1215
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