Feeding of Kezgihr

Period1552 HE - 1798 HE

In the Horgon Era, hundreds of vampires serving Hlotho Zîn and other blood cults, perished in the crossing of an unforgiving desert named Barba'gom. Hundreds were lost in sand storms, buried under tons of sand, or caught out in the Holy Rays of Merioss. The survivors of this trek, once reaching the plentiful lands of Honmin, started what became known as the Feeding of Kezgihr; for two centuries, vampires controlling and feeding upon the populace.

Entire households fell under the beguiling ways of these blood-sucking fiends. Farms are completely untended, weeds growing amok, but at dusk, there is a scurry of movement from children and their parents, with the grace of the cat, like mountain lions when making a kill. I've witnessed them from afar, soaring among the treetops as an owl, lone Gimrune vampires, no more than 10 years of age, taking down an elk and several of them joining in the hunt to take down a dire cave bear. These out in the wilds, are just that, wild like the animals, but getting closer to civilization they have grown cunning, blending into the populace and hunting not too kill but to feed. The inexperienced vampires often kill their victims from overfeeding; the first sign that vampires in numbers are among you.

- Tiyabis, Warden Heirophant Adept of Silvanus - "Children of Kezgihr"

By 1650 HE, vampires were deeply seated in society, controlling entire households through charms or threat, running businesses and guilds, and holding high positions in military and government. The only group to remain untainted were the Shi'gah. Holed up in Primus Hexaconta, by day they farmed and did their work, but at dusk they returned to the security of what was once the heart of the Prime Architect. In 1771 HE, the Shi'gah took the fight to the vampires, and by 1798 HE neutralized the Feeding of Kezgihr.