
Anarukthalan, of another era
Founded17 Bliss 1415 HE

Founded by the Isharg clan of Gimhak (1306 HE - 1479), the settlement of Anarukthalan got its wealth from Maar'tolaak timber and diamonds, copper, and other resources coming out of the peaks of Abazuddan.

In the Second Epoch, Anarukthalan and other Gimhak holds were the target of the Orchish Empire. Anarukthalan also had to deal with other smaller powers, the Graagvrii of Sareon and their leader, a primordial naga named Rilthang and a green dragon named Mathongrarg and her hobgoblin horde.

In 1255, Anarukthalan fell to the Orchish Empire. Under constant threat by the denizens of the Maar'tolaak Forest, Anarukthalan was abandoned two years later.

Anarukthalan has long been a source of interest for Maar'tolaak's green dragons. When it was populated, they came to see if the legends were true, that it held great vaults bursting with Covenant Coinage. After the Orchish Empire sacked the place, they tried to dispel this legend, claiming they found no "twelve golden vaults, each holding a dozen chests, 100,000 pieces each."

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