Mir'piamauza Civil War

Period1608 HE - 1612 HE
TheaterAerie of Dragons, Cinazan

This civil war ended Mir'piamauza's thousand year reign. Suffering from high inflation and debt, failing to placate captured peoples led to unrest and the eventual breakup of the empire. Some of its holds became independent city-states, others the property of new conquerors, and others like the empire's capital, left to things dark.

Mir'piamauza's capital city Kathodrarg became a nightmarish place from this conflict. The ruins of this once great city are littered with bones and skulls from the thousands of Gradorian that perished when Kathodrarg was stricken with pestilence and disease. These poor souls perished in heavy fighting within the city. The fighting was so intense, rival factions battling it out street to street, house to house, that nobody had time to care for all the sick, so they were abandoned to die alone. It is thought that this is the reason the city is a haven for ghosts and other malevolent spirits.

The civil war splintered Mir'piamauza into city-states. Some like Kathodrarg became uninhabitable, others became easy picking by rivals.