Bolnalmak Carororn

Founded7 Witchrite 571 HE

In the Horgon Era, Carororn became the first permanent hobgoblin settlement on Bal-Kriav. These hobgoblins were originally from Kriav, encouraged to find a new place to live by that world's two great elven empires, Gwildath and Marchenir. These elven empires, usually at odds with one another, were in agreement on one thing, the hobgoblin population needed to be controlled. In the lands of the Gwildath, they encouraged the hobgoblins, sometimes at the end of a blade, to make the crossing to a land better suited for them.

In 1001 HE, Carororn became the capital of Kuladul. It was the center of a hobgoblin empire that controlled a large swathe of the Irazaggumak valley and into parts of the Khizunul mountains.

In the First Epoch, Phlehorn's eastern expansion, especially with the founding of Harworb, led to conflict with Kuladul. Numerous battles and six wars followed. In the last, the Sixth Siguzilbak War (776 - 784), Carororn lay besieged for five years. When Gibil-Nâru's Whiteblood Legions captured the place, they found tunnels and lifts near its core, all leading into the Underdark. They were amazed with its construction, its bands of mithril, iron and lead, and usage of a strange mix of gravel and stone hardened as one. The latter is concrete, a secret plundered from Nemexus. The hobgoblins called this stuff the Goo of Nemexus. They used this in the building of Carororn's eleven great unreinforced concrete domes, and the sealing of gaps and creating shaped obstructions.

Much of the fighting in the Sixth Siguzilbak War was done by mercenary armies answering to Phlehorn. It was a sign of the kingdom's decline, with others doing its fighting. The Gibil-Nâru, leading clan of the mercenary forces, took advantage of their victory and their new prize, declaring a new dwarven kingdom. They renamed Carororn, giving it the Dwarven name Bolnalmak. On 29 Artifice 784, it became the capital of Fargimdal under its first ruler, Queen Fargimdal. The Kingdom of Phlehorn made no protest. They liked the idea of having a military-minded kingdom between them and the equally aggressive elves of the Rúmil Empire.

In the Underdark reaches below this city are passages heading north and south, both with roads leading to the magical river Damazandal. In the Siguzilbak Wars, these roads kept Kuladul going, with the Andigimok Empire supplying them with arms and food. With the fall of their puppet state, Andigimok took a more direct approach, attacking Fargimdal, testing its strength. The vulnerable underside of the city were strengthened. Fargimdal collapsed tunnels, filled them in with the Goo of Nemexus, setting traps and building fortifications. Five hundred feet below the Bolnalmak's city streets, the heart of these defenses they built the citadel Dabul-Gind.

Bolnalmak is a massive, multi-tiered walled city built in the Irazaggumak's northern foothills where they ascend into the Gakhs. The most impressive part of the defenses faced north towards Gwaellurth. The southern approach of the city is across a land of broken rock and debris making the area rugged and unusable; except for brigand and monster hideouts. This debris field was largely created on building of the city and because of its scale has never been cleaned up. This debris field stretches four miles, a mile of it dotting the floor of the Siguzilbak forest.

Bolnalmak is predominately populated by dwarves and halfling. The city's Forstneblin residents only stay long enough to trade their wares before returning to their homes in the Siguzilbak Forest.

A heavily fortified city, Bolnalmak has a mighty garrison. They have nearly five hundred griffon mounted troops, dozens of hammer golems, and an array of other special units. The city's four outermost walls are called the Helms of Hamgondak. The towers dotting these walls have their upper halves shaped like massive closed-faced helmets, each unique in appearance, honoring a particular hero of the Siguzilbak Wars.

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