
Malephar Elemental Forge

Making An Item

  • find a material for making the item - see Resources
  • determine the enhancement bonus (+1 to +5). Note that bonuses of the same type do not stack - thus a +3 sword gains nothing from the magic weapon spell.
  • add special abilities

Example Item Fabrication
Gear+3 blutium full plate of moderate fortification
AC Value+15 (+3 enchantment, +4 natural enchantment from blutium, +8 for full plate)
Cost44,250 gp

Cost Breakdown

full plate-N/A- (using special metal)DMG pg.180 Table 8-4
blutium8,250 gp (1,650 x 5 (blutium cost))Resources
+3 enhancement add plus to moderate fortificationDMG pg.180 Table 8-3
moderate fortification36,000 gpadd the +3 enhancement to the +3 market price modifier for the moderate fortification (DMG pg.180 Table 8-6)

Notable Forges

NameLocationForge Properties
Arioch ForgeShoglomphNegative Entropy, Entropic
Axinite ForgePenumbraPsychic
Blipool BathworksBlipoolArcane, Psychic
Blood Anvils of DrachlazDrachlazsuffering, vampiric
Gimir-Zarun ArcaneumBelêth-KazîrArcane
Brain ForgeAggdaPsychic
BuldavileMulun'nâthNegative Energy
Naraz-Nâru's PalmIrazaggumakgiant slaying, throwing
Cloud ForgeTiamats Perchepic armor and weapons
Dališar CauldronDališarGodforge
Dragons AnchorIrthorndivine blessings to attributes
Dragon Forges of AspungadAspungadlightning
Forges of Kuzrûnn'nKuzrûnn'nNecrotic
Geledh ArcanumGeledhArcane
Gûn Law ForgesGûnNegative Entropy
Gut of Abru'gomBegnhidrirfiery, curse
HeadstoneGravestone Gatesdeath, fire, undead bane
Heart of Mephi'kharHelattributes, curse
Hrodgridi FurnaceEydreidair, earth
Ice Mist PoolsIce Mist PoolsCold
Jolmgar Crater ForgeFjollaugEntropic
Jofgried Titan ForgeJofgriedover-sized weapons
Kilns of Gallo-BagdKhimilêthLife, Ceratimus
Malephar Elemental ForgesMalepharEntropic, Fire, Unholy
Mind of MortelasBegnhidrirpsychic, curse
Mirundân RootMirundânNature, Entropic
Nature Forge of BelephríanNelrenaelNature, neutrality
Onaidreds RemainsTholamidCold
Purity ForgePhollûmâNegative Entropy, Holy, demon bane
Silfergaths BileSnowflake ManseCold
Syndic ArtificePalace of NineArcane, Negative Energy
Tahaldril VatsNaratyrEntropic, Unholy
Tas'dvr Mout FoundryTas'dvr MoutGodforge
The KilnXI InstitutePsychic
Tirulûmâs BeaconMaharâgHoly
TosgerdSvaer Hodgrolffire, epic armor and weapons
Soul PrisonInk HoldSoul
Tubedellâm SynapseTubedellâmPsychic
Tyelmantar FurnanceTyelmantarlight fortification
Valefor DeathworksValeforAbyssal, Necrotic
Yarrokhal EnchantryYarrokhalUnholy
Witch CauldronIncubusbarding, mounted combat weapons