
Creation9 Bloom 78 DE

Bruh Kreniik, the first of the so-called dragons, and one of history's top Creationist, is the progenitor of the dragon race. Dragon lineage began with the Wahliik brood.

Racial Traits
Racial as dragon type
Notable Dragons
NameDragon TypeOrganizationEra
AhnutrixredTiamat, Reds of KilthGod Era, Lith-Crillion Era
AmaglothornwhiteHorgon Era, First Epoch
ApocaleenredFirst Epoch, Second Epoch
ApocalypseredFirst Epoch, Second Epoch
Artang-SundyellowTinvaakin KurtulmakLith-Crillion Era, Horgon Era
Ausul'nahblueTiamatDawn Era, God Era
Bahamutplatinum Dawn Era - present
Balta'kharredTiamatDawn Era
BayorthsilverNawirrûs CovenantGod Era - present
BothortheshredHorgon Era, First Epoch
Bruh Kreniikthe first dragon God Era - present
CaesinsjachgreenDawn Era
Casironiron, ghost Second Epoch - present
Dil'lufeykrogreenLith-Crillion Era, Horgon Era
EmelachblackHorgon Era
FlameghuleadredBlack TideFirst Epoch, Second Epoch
GalzrasilverNawirrûs CovenantGod Era
GlagengraneblueHorgon Era, First Epoch
GolruwyrmgoldNawirrûs CovenantDawn Era
Graag'vahrizgreenLum Trumgol MirHorgon Era, First Epoch
Hellbleakerred First - Third Epoch
Hurguulichgreen, dracolichMaen GrirngrimDawn Era - present
IkhenholmbracblackLith-Crillion Era, Horgon Era
KahangronblueLith-Crillion Era, Horgon Era
LissothsilverNawirrûs CovenantDawn Era - ??
Loziik'vunredPath of Yolos PaagoliikHorgon Era - ??
MathongrarggreenFirst Epoch, Second Epoch
NidhoggapocalypseDawn Era - Horgon era
NveryiothredLith-Crillion Era - present
OnairionredTiamat, Reds of KilthGod Era, Lith-Crillion Era
Razalannasblue Lith-Crillion Era
ResalthblueHorgon Era
Rotgredshgreen, dracolichFirst Epoch - present
SebgultredHorgon Era - present
SteirgarredDawn Era - God Era
TiamatchromaticDawn Era - present
Tauth'ghournblueLith-Crillion Era, Horgon Era
Tarband's WraithsshadowTarband-Khâl First Epoch
ThashangrielredLith-Crillion Era
TindarâphasilverViressurFirst Epoch - Third Epoch
TyrinaxxblueOrchish EmpireFirst Epoch - present
Urkra'gomredTiamat, Reds of KilthGod Era, Lith-Crillion Era
Vahrizblack Horgon Era, First Epoch
Voduliik MulhaanblueGalirkradHorgon Era
Zanthrallblue, ghostOrchish EmpireFirst Epoch - present
Ziist’maargreenEldritch ConclaveSecond Epoch, Third Epoch