Created on the world Ilabizdum, Naraz-Nâru was one of the first Dulun. His valor and charisma, made him a gifted leader. Rising to the rank of archangel in the Creation War(1486 DE - 8777 DE), he went on to become one of the decision-makers of the Nawirrûs Covenant. To take care of very special problems, he worked alongside a crack team of heroes known as the Golden Seven.
With the Creation War being so long, and an immortal, Naraz-Nâru spent time studying the defenses of fallen bastions, designing and building, failing and succeeding many times. He oversaw the building and layout of Ušuškad's great defenses, places like Irrai and Nâzel.
Later in the Creation War, Naraz-Nâru was in command of the Maziggandîm Sector. In this region of the world of Bal-Kriav, he split command to his two sons, Nûl and Sigil, and daughter Ragan.
head priest of a nation's churches, rarely are there more than 1
Great Axe Exarch
head priest of an entire region of churches
Cross Axe Patriarch
head priest of all the Churches of Naraz-Nâru for a world (c.f. Azudushmanam)
Known Powers
Sense Imperfection
no item is perfect in make, Naraz-Nâru can find this imperfection and strike through manufactured armors scoring a critical on the next hit, or sunder a weapon if it fails a save