
Khunwrak - Narbuzad

In the middle of the Irazaggumak vale, the Khunwrak hills are dotted with ancient columns and great towers. In the Creation War (1486 DE - 8777 DE), a general serving under Naraz-Nâru fortified Covenant mining interests in these hills. Groups of columns and towers were linked with chains and netting, an air defense against the Urd raids coming out of Nathol.

The ancient fortifications of this area have stood the test of time, outlasting many other fortifications of the Dawn Era. With durability coming from concrete and reinforcing bars (re-bar), General Nûl, designer of Khunwrak's defenses, is credited with inventing this construction technique.

Harrowing legends of Khunwrak's defenses are such that even today, Nathol's urd will enter these hills.

Notable Resources
  • Mithril