Tâchumâz Ivory Ward

AliasIvory Ward
Deep Bred10%
Founded18 Lunar 1020

Tâchumâz is a Langurâpha word that translates to Ivory Ward. Founded by the Ivory Asylum on 18 Lunar 1020, Tâchumâz was put under the administration of a tribe that had been causing problems back in the Elderaunt homeland. Once home to the city of Rîni, the Irastâ tribe, serving in the interests of the empire's greater good, was tasked with administrating the empire's newest colony. For the next three centuries, Tâchumâz served as Ivory Asylum's colonial administrative capital for Ma'Ohari affairs.

They are masters of destabilizing the peoples around them. They create a situation like what happened between Tâchumâz and Salandirik. Those around, pick a side to help, for commercial reasons, or perhaps hoping to pick away at Ivory Asylum's power. Too late do they learn their support of these fruitless rivalries and conflicts was all a game of brinkmanship coming out of Orra.

- Jaqad Gyalech, founder of Zerot - "Colonial Subterfuge"

In the Horn Tusk Conflict (1023 - 1467), Tâchumâz was a frequent target of the Ba'lith Empire. The city's great sea wall earned renown during this time. Worshippers of Athena named it for Athenas fabled shield, calling it Athenas Impregnable Bulwark. This great sea wall proved so formidable to naval bombardment and other siege assaults, that attacking forces would instead land on shores to the north and south of the city, attacking it from the landward side.

Like many cities along the western coasts of Ma'Ohari, Tâchumâz is populated by a diverse population with Tragarans, minotaurs, and Dromites being the predominate races.

In the Ivory Ward Campaign (1465 - 1467), Tâchumâz fell to Admiral Bloodtusk. For the next four centuries, Tâchumâz served as Bloodtusk's capital.

In the Year 1800, Tâchumâz was captured by the Burterinii-Buccaneer Alliance, ending the reign of Bloodtusk (1465 - 1800).

Tâchumâz has two ports, one on Bloodtusk Bay, and the other on the river Ralban.

Notable Areas
Civilization Tree
Ivory Asylum