
TypeTroll (Abyssal Infused)
Creation11 Bloom 125 GE
NativeBal-Kriav, others

The first troll, what the demons called Kulax, came about in the Demon Spawn War. The demons of Bal-Kriav's military sector Chen'gom, created them from captured mortals. At Aša Ukhan, exposed to demoniac energy, these unfortunates became abyssal infused, abominations of their former selves.

Coming in many types, trolls reflect the general build of the subject, giants become mountain trolls, ettins becoming giant two-headed trolls, medium-sized become your standard troll, fire giants to fire trolls, and dire wolves to trollhounds.

The regenerative properties of trolls is such that some have taken to enhancing them, creating new troll sub-types like war trolls and trollhounds. War trolls are bred and trained for war and do not come about in the wild unless their community puts a lot of effort into teaching them martial skills. Most war trolls learn their trade in the militaries of empires like the Orchish Empire and the Toomrur Hegemony.

Troll Sub-Types
crystalline9 Artifice 311 LElow
fire high
ice5 Hollow 154 GEmedium
mountain very high
scrag15 Temporal 131 GEmedium
troll11 Bloom 125 GEmedium
trollhoundvery low
war28 Witchrite 1000very high