Chaos Infused

touched by Chaos
Typechaos lore

Chaos Infused is a trait or property of a creature, area, or item. It comes about from contact with very strong entropic energy from Chaos, artifacts of chaos, the Decomposition String, or very old and powerful chaotic creatures. The effects of chaos infusion are random in what they do and in their strength. Some creatures from Chaos have the ability to chaos infuse areas, and a very few can change others. In the Hoof Front, Tiamat battled an ancient demon which infused her with chaotic evil energies. Tiamat was able to shake-off the chaos, but not before she was warped into a monstrous dragon with multiple heads.

Chaos behemoths, like those that travel with the Horde of Chaos, is a terror that infuses the land around with high doses of entropic energy, leaving in its wake a chaos ruin.

Chaos rocs, great birds of prey, chaos infuse those wounded by its claws. In the legend Elephant Reverence, a great hero dies from the wounds suffered from a chaos roc.

There have been dozens of primordials who were masters of manipulating the energies of Chaos. One example is a weave spider named Sarseg. While closing a rift, a counter-measure set off a nearby null mine, infusing Sarseg with entropic energies. Now chaos infused, Sarseg, lost the weave spider's bond to the Web of Magic. Blibdoolpoolp is another primordial that used entropic energies to transform the divine creations of others into her primary followers, the Kuo-toa.

Another thing that can chaos infuse even those of near-divine power is the Decomposition String. In the Creation War, Tarâk and the Slaad Hexos were forever changed when they extracted warp matter from the Decomposition String.

Yagolorn is one area of the realm that is infused with the chaotic energies of Chaos. At the heart of this wasteland is the petrified arm of a long dead primordial. This area is believed to have become chaos infused when this primordial was slain in the Creation War.