
Creation19 Kindle 8426 DE
NativeBal-Kriav, Ráglauth, Osâchar

In the Dawn Era, Tarâk created the Grimlock race from his own minions. This was done by exposing them to the Decomposition String. The chaos infusion that came with this resulted in humanoids with brutish bodies. Though their bodies belies dumbness, they are anything but, with an average intelligence equal to some Human races.

In the Demon Spawn War, at the Toadoolp Twists, grimlock soldiers in the service of Tarâk, were cast into the mutative ichor of giant entropic pools where they suffered the agony of being transformed into the first kuo-toans. This led to a great enmity between Tarâk and Blibdoolpoolp, the pawns of this conflict Tarâk's grimlock and Blibdoolpoolp's kuo-toan.

Of the humanoid races, Grimlocks have some of the shortest lifespans. It is said to be a product of their entropic makings.

Born entropic, they don't stay that way. They think only of themselves, loyalty is only gained on threat of death. They are of the darkest of evil, a weak people, short-lived, and crude.

Perhaps one redeeming trait is their breeding rates, making them a steady source of laborers and cannon-fodder.

- Siss'benth, Suellk stock master - "Humanoid Chum"

Racial Traits
Racial as Grimlock
Lifespan 50 years