Sea Tunnel

LocationDistance toLocation
Lokzii Ven427 milesRath Vun
Rath Vun580 milesSea Breach
Sea Breach3,002 milesNíngoth
SE to NW Points of the Sea Tunnel
Built1 Lunar 2185 DE
Mapvaries by feature

Created in the Dawn Era by a Creationist named Sathel, the Sea Tunnel is an extra-dimensional canal linking two distant oceans on the extreme ends of the Brucrumus mainland. In the Creation War (1486 DE - 8777 DE), it was a Covenant supply line for forces battling the primordials.

The main entry point to the Sea Tunnel is a whirlpool named Lokzii Ven. After entering this whirlpool, a safe passage, travelers are taken northwest along an ocean channel. Along the way are two access points to the Sea Tunnel. One is named Rath Vun; a water spout sending those travelers upwards to Angels Wound lake. The next access point, further northwest, is the Sea Breach. The exit point for the Sea Tunnel, thousands of miles further, is a reverse whirlpool named Níngoth.

In 1209 HE, a Mir'piamauza exploratory ship named the Trielasog entered the Sea Tunnel by way of the Angels Way whirlpool. The captain of the ship recorded a nine-hundred mile journey to Angels Wound taking only an hour.

Lokzii Ven - Enkii Jusk

In the First Epoch, for reason unknown, the Sea Tunnel changed direction.

In 344, a ship full of Mezrack settlers, hailing from the mystical isle of Arcana, passed into Níngoth on a southeast course. Their voyage, a very long one for the Sea Tunnel, took 3 months. After leaving the Sea Tunnel at Lokzii Ven, they sailed north into Klo'nah Lomok where they established the settlement of Ilbaragûn.

In 1805, the Wayfarers (commissioned by Paradomea XI Exploration) surveyed the area, reporting that the Sea Tunnel had changed direction, now flowing a northwesterly course.

At first glance it appeared to be nearly a half-mile in diameter. The Zimantîn approached the anomaly and was caught in a whirlpool twice the size of what it appeared.

We were drawn into the vortex. The transition was a safe one. We were now on a sea, passing along a tunnel with edges shadowy and strange, an area of stability surrounded by a sea of entropy.

Our journey was not without peril. Twice rogue waves swept the decks. There was no stopping, our speed, or perhaps time itself prevented us.

Three days later, the Zimantîn was pulled upwards by a reverse flowing whirlpool. We are 3,000 miles from where we started, on the other side of Brucrumus. The trade implications of this Sea Tunnel are unfathomable.

- Xerseen Zleek-Farr, Captain of the Zimantîn - "Ships Log"

Today, The Sea Tunnel is one of Midrêth's major sea lanes. A ship can go from the coasts of Enkii Jusk to Azrinn'nûr in a fraction of the time it would take with the circuitous route around Brucrumus. The many entry point to the Sea Tunnel is the whirlpool Lokzii Ven, off the eastern coasts of the Aerie of Dragons, while the main exit point is 3,000 miles to the northwest at Níngoth.


The Sea Tunnel is best described as an extra dimensional passage. Those traveling along the Sea Tunnel frequently have dreams of the past and glimpses of possible futures.

Travel Time

It can take 3-5 days, or up to three months for a ship to go the length of the Sea Tunnel. The time to travel is random for every ship, or anything swimming it. Depending on the journey's duration, speed can hinger movement, reversing course is impossible, maneuver is by sail and rudder.


The Tube is the area of the Sea Tunnel where water flows, winds blow, ships move, and fish swim along. The Tube is several hundred feet in diameter, entirely made of seawater, and dimly lit by a eerie turquoise bio-luminance. It is 3,002 miles long from entry to exit. Ships that leave the Sea Tunnel's edges are taken to a seemingly endless ocean where they are lost for weeks and even months; eventually they are pulled back to the Sea Tunnel.

In 1624, the Eracoy, a ship of our pirate fleet, either from loss of crew to competently guide her, or perhaps out of boldness, steered to the edge. We waited a week in the isles of Azrinn'nûr. The Eracoy never surfaced at Níngoth. Let this be a warning mariners, the tunnel's edge leads to the belly of Chaos.

- Singad-Sin, of the Pirate Lords, ship's log - "Loss of the Eracoy"


The Sea Tunnel is entered by passing into a whirlpool called Lokzii Ven. The exit is a reverse flowing whirlpool called Níngoth.