Sorrow Road

RegionHells Womb, Grashakh, Lands of Purity

The Sorrow Road begins at the eastern gates of Paradomea City. It then heads north to Bathor. One can go through the city or take a more circuitous route around the city and continue north into Gwaeldior. In this forest, the road forks. The northeast road is called the Black Athroond, an overgrown path taken only by the bold. The north road continues through the woodlands of Gwaeldior where it meets the river Foronir. At the meeting of road and river is a small elven village called Súlamairë. From this village, a ferry can take travelers across to the elven city of Celebriän. The Sorrow Road continues north following the course of the Foronir before cutting into the Gathol Hills. Passing the ruins of Strumpktar, the road forks, with the main road going north into the Sorrow Pass; the fork to the northeast begins the Path of Tryrreid.

In the Laucentar forest, the road splits at the Mazandabad Bridge. The northern route is the Sarmarg Road. The Sorrow Road continues west towards the Storsald Mountains. It then forks into a west road and southwest road. The west road is called Surturs Torch. The main axis of the Sorrow Road continues south out of the Launcentar forest into the valley of Khilag-Tarkin, ending in name at Gadyan. West out of this holy bastion, the road is known as the Holy Passage.