Black Athroond

RegionsHells Womb, Drarthiel

Built in the Bone Arrow Campaign (1467 - 1470), the Black Athroond Road is a fork from the Sorrow Road. Very expensive to make, digging through solid rock with magic and skeletal labor trains, it was necessitated by the city-state of Celebriän, owners of much of the Gwaeldior Forest. No friend of warmongering adventurers turned nation heads, payments and light threats went ignored, the armies of the Black Tide would have to go around the forest. With a huge war chest built from years of adventuring, and an army of tireless undead laborers, they built a road under Celebriän lands. Descending into Moregar then down through the light-less reaches of Drarthiel, the road heads northwest for a hundred miles, passing the Fodder Mine, the ruin of Kuzrûnn'n and many lesser known areas. Thirty miles west of Kuzrûnn'n, the road continues east, spiraling up to the surface, where it exits the mouth of the ruined fortress of Targind-Nal then northeast where it links back up with the Sorrow Road.