Pyramid of Anti-Nature

Built28 Bloom 540 LE

This Pyramid of Power is located in the Khimrathil Valley. It was built in 540 LE by the Knudmid. They revered the Lith-Crillion, building this colossal structure to serve as a research center. The course of research at this Pyramid of Power was decided by the area's predatory plants and dense vegetation. The predatory plants were the biggest problem, specimens twice the size of other jungles.

One of the foremost things the Lith-Crillion researched at this Pyramid was finding natural and magical ways of dealing harm to fey and plants. Now that it has been found, this place will become a library for Blighters and source of consternation for the Nature Protectorates.

- from a diplomatic missive between the Tusken Council and the Council of Nine - "Another Pyramid"

The interior of this pyramid is grandiose, with statues of legendary Lith-Crillion thinkers, explorers and leaders, ancient vases, urns, and tapestries, and ornate tiles. It is decorated with tons of ivory, the stuff of the elephant graveyards of Irastânâz or scored as trophies from Zendanul's huge elephants.

After the disappearance of the Lith-Crillion, the Pyramid of Anti-Nature remained hidden inside a mountain for thousands of years. In 1799, the Great Ridgebone Quake caused a series of mountains and ridges to collapse into a great trench. The quake caused so much rubble to fall into the southern end of the Khimrathil valley that it became impassable. A villain named Belgunth employed an army of Sussgurd slaves and skeletal minions to clear a path and build bridges across the trench, all in the direction of the now exposed Pyramid. Today, the Pyramid and the valley fall within the territory of the city-state Sakullêth.

Civilization Tree
Sâlo Tânê 19
Pyramid of Anti-Nature