Primordial Storm

Primordial Storm - Zyrath
RegionNorthern Hordelands
Created3 Bliss 158 GE

Near the heart of the Northern Hordelands is a perpetual storm encompassing a vast area. At roughly fifty miles in diameter, it churns like the eye of a hurricane. Always raining, sometimes with thunder and lightning, the runoff created the wetland of Irtharmorn. On the northern edge of the storm are the Storm Cavities. Here the rain descends into crevasses and cracks, ultimately becoming the head of a dark river named Vuzlyn.

The Primordial Storm came about in the Demon Spawn War (89 GE - 269 GE). In an epic battle, the Covenant heroes Phalgas, Athena and Danzar-Khâl slew the Nine-Tongued Worm. Knowing its end was near, it had prepared for its doom. The Nine-Tongued Worm created a spell activated upon its death. Perishing on 3 Bliss 158 GE, the spell triggered, resulting in the implosion of the monster's infamous gut-rift. This sliced through the Web of Magic, creating a perpetual storm and opening a rift to a realm overrun by demons. Not long after the rift's opening, the demon lord Yeenoghu came through with his army. He had as his closet advisor, the disembodied thinker Ingu'lumin. This creature of primordial make was the brains, and Yeenoghu the brawn for a demon offensive to capture and control all of what is today known as the Northern Hordelands.

After the Quara'tun Covenant defeated the demons, Arcana worked with Ingu'lumin to seal the storm's rift. It was mostly sealed. Sometimes, something of Chaos slips through, air and water elementals being the norm.

Ingu'lumin is on a level of intelligence that I could only dream of, he will undoubtedly work to thwart my magic, but without him I cannot close the rift created by the Nine-Tongued Worm.

- Arcana, to the leaders of the Quara'tun Covenant - "Ingu'lumin's Scheme"

The climate and weather patterns of the Northern Hordelands and even parts of other regions are affected by the strength of the Primordial Storm. Powerful gusts of wind that seem to come out of nowhere have been known to knock a giant prone or pick up a goblin and carry them for miles on currents that waver, lift, drop and seem to move by a chaotic force.

In 1407, explorers from the Magis Institute trekked into the Primordial Storm, studying vortices of raw chaos, and once catching a chaos archon emerge from what could only be a short-lived rift.