Toadoolp Twists

Blibdoolpoolp Bosom - Chaexidor
Locationsee below
19 Witchrite 119 GE Entropic Pond
19 Warper 261 GE Rift

The Toadoolp Twists began as two entropic ponds. In the Demon Spawn War (89 GE - 269 GE), found by those serving Blibdoolpoolp, they were used in making a people that would serve as workers and soldiers, then becoming worshipers. Humanoid captives were tossed into these pools of entropic energy, the stuff of Chaos, transforming the hapless victims into Kuo-toa. After a few months of this, Aboleth scientists leading the effort, learned that the Grimlock had the best chance of surviving the transformation. Pursuit of them was to take a terrible toll on their population, creating a lasting enmity between Blibdoolpoolp and Tarâk.

In the Brucrumus underworld, it was common to find demons trafficking in hapless Grimlock. Many of these slave masters, wanted for abandoning their posts, were supposed to be fighting a war, not establishing a living. Corruption led to even a few demon lords making war less serious for the Covenant, my old master comes to mind. They were more interested in the money that could be made in the Grimlock trade, forlorn souls destined for my entropic ponds.

- Blibdoolpoolp, from the Book of Unthink - "Grimlock Trade"

When Blibdoolpoolp became a Higher Power (261 GE), she had to give up her active role in spreading her kuo-toan people across the Mortal Systems. She also gave up the power to control the ebb of her entropic ponds, releasing their energy back to Chaos. Closing the link to Chaos required anchoring the other end to some place else. Knowing she was on the path to ascension, Blibdoolpoolp scoped out choice areas across Bal-Kriav's subterranean reaches, areas that would be most suited for her Kuo-toa. When she left for her new home on Inguvile, she tied off these conduits, creating rifts that sometimes take travelers to faraway lands.

The Toadoolp Twists are often mistaken for whirlpools, yet they do not pull things into them. Instead, a creature must actively enter them and then have enough air in their lungs for up to five minutes of submersion. The travel time, completely submerged, from one Toadoolp Twist to the next is random, as is where you will end up. It is even possible to enter a Toadoolp Twist and minutes later find yourself staring at the same place you just swam into.

Use of a Toadoolp Twist is dangerous in another way. They require fuel in the form of the traveler's own life energy. Each use drains the traveler of 10% of their life energy (equivalent to 10% of their maximum hit points, recoverable normally). If a creature does not have life energy, such as an undead or construct, they cannot enter these rifts.

The kuo-toa of Âkhi used these rifts to colonize distant lands. Leaving the Toadoolp Twists at Blibdoolpoolp Bosom, enough eventually ended up in Arkan-Ragûm where they founded Dilkuglapgon.

Toadoolp Twists
First Toadoolp TwistBlibdoolpoolp BosomChaexidor
Second Toadoolp TwistBlibdoolpoolp BosomChaexidor
Third Toadoolp TwistCthorgoKirgoyle
Fourth Toadoolp TwistArkan-RagûmKhelan
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