The Central Stability was founded as a guild of individuals seeking to bring neutrality and stability to Bal-Kriav after the defeat of the primordials. They viewed many gods, angels, primordials and those that served them as interfering too much in the affairs of the world's denizens. They moved around quite a bit during the God Era and into the Third Epoch. They set-up bases wherever chaos or law or good or evil was destabilizing an area. This brought them many enemies and bounties on their heads.
In the Third Epoch, they established bases in the southern and northeastern reaches of the Great Expanse. In these areas they began operations to curb the growth of the Taurquion and neutralize the entropy bleeding from the Tribe Steppes area of Hleittil. In 1555, the Lords of Stability that serve as independent commands under the Central Stability, voted to allow outsiders into their ranks. They did this because they lacked the man-power to take on the empire-level threats around them. The first peoples that joined them were neutral aligned modrons, warforged, and other machines coming out of the Gear Monument and those of "rogue" settlements.
There is no religious worship in the empire for most of its peoples. The Lords of Stability see most religions, including The Balance, as meddlesome. They believe The Balance to be a mockery of neutrality with its admittance of a chaotic primordial like Geb. This does not mean they are enemies, only that they deal with them only when it heavily benefits them. The only religion that is in the empire is that brought in by the halflings of the Great Expanse or other peoples that become citizens. These churches are small and monitored by the empire's covert agencies.
The capital of the empire is the floating citadel Harmony.