
RegionHigh Wood Country, Nielalroch, Vhurghad
CapitalHar Karib
Alignmentneutral good, lawful neutral
EnemiesCorallim, Spirachiln
Established19 Saunas 341 LE

On 19 Saunas 341 LE, the Caradruk Republic was formed by those looking to resettle Har Karib. Most of those that decided to return were descendants of families that lived here before Har Karib was captured by the 82nd Last Hope.

Caradruk lays claim to a large swathe of Nielalroch's undersea realm. In the First Epoch, Caradruk began having problems with the surface walkers of Brucrumus. This came about from territorial encroachment of various peoples into the waters of Nielalroch. They have had many conflicts with the surface elves of Spirachiln. The usual reason for these conflicts arise over fisheries and the establishment of sea rights for coastal settlements. Diplomatically, Caradruk is not interested in treaties or working deals over territory or trade matters with most civilizations of the surface.

Around 1410, Caradruk began raiding Spirachiln's northern coastal settlements. They militarily forced the elves away from the bay Neithreth. The reason for this was their desire to keep Ralvalloth's relics from ending up in some landlubber's museum or market stall. By 1420, Spirachiln had abandoned the area and thought that by doing so they could forge a peace treaty. Caradruk refused diplomatic overtures, but signaled that hostilities had ended for now. The two empires are technically in a state of war, with occasional flareups. Corallim is entangled in these conflicts because of there close relationship with Spirachiln; due mostly to a long history of inter-racial marriages between Corallim's sea elves and Spirachiln's kriavian elves.

Civilization Tree
Har Karib
Cim Aquis