Deaths Kindle Orb 396

Deaths Kindle
AliasOrb 396
FocusNegative Energy, Shadow Energy

During the first year of each new decade, the coal black moon Deaths Kindle appears in Bal-Kriav's skies for five months. This produces an event called the Shade of Darkness, a horrible period fraught with heightened undead activity. The night sky is lit by a dim purple aura from the magic and radiation of this moon. The practice of sorcery and necromancy is at its peak during another cycle called the Zenith of Darkness, a dire time happening every 592 years.

Some believe Deaths Kindle it to be the pure essence of negative energy, and home world of Thasmudyan and his legions of undead. There is some truth to this. At the core of this moon is a ball of negative energy called the Death Ball. It is of comparable mass to the Cube of Arcane, 50 miles on a side. Both are sources of great energy, the Cube of Arcane is the source of arcane energy for Bal-Kriav. The sphere at the heart of Deaths Kindle is a source of negative energy, drawn upon by those using necromancy or creatures like undead who are powered by it.

Deaths Kindle has no atmosphere. It has a perpetually dark side and a shadowy side. The dark side is an area devoid of life energy, a haven for the undead. The shadowy side is a Shade Farm, a landscape entwined with shadow energy.

In 1803, the council leaders of Crimson Eye, Inc journeyed to Deaths Kindle and discovered a vast undead bastion. They found Ink Hold and met with an exiled lich named Queen Dras'ee. They have been quiet on why they were there and what they communicated about.

One of the most valuable resources of this moon is the metal gloomstar.

Focus Effect

Shadow Powerin the shadow side of Death Kindle, all shadow energy magic, illusions have double duration and range, chances to spot fail 20% of the time
Deaths Heartin the dark side of Deaths Kindle, all spells of negative energy have +5 to DC, undead heal 3hp/round
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