
CategoryMarvels, Sailing Ships
Classunique, unclassified
BuiltLost Ages

The Halatrax is a massive ship that sails the oceans of the Quara'tun System. Its design and composition are strange, with some saying it a relic of the Lost Ages. For a time in the Dawn Era, it was crewed by chaos archons and later undead minions, serving as a mobile laboratory for an eccentric primordial named Maen Grirngrim. Paranoid, always on the move to evade those who sought to steal or destroy his research, the Halatrax proved to be the perfect vessel for keeping out of the reach of his enemies. After the death of Maen, the Halatrax was taken to sea by some of his former lieutenants. Disappearing in a fog bank, it left for another sea on a faraway world. Once predictable under Maen, the Covenant eventually lost track of the Halatrax on Cryphoeca.

The Halatrax has a very slow speed, enough that a rowboat could overtake it. Boarding the Halatrax is very difficult. The hull is covered in barnacles, some poisonous, and the first deck 250' up a wet slimy hull. In 375 LE, eldritch giants made it to the top using crampons and rope. Reduced by half, one of their more notable finds was a trunk of Dawn Era writings, the Scrolls of Maen.

3 Temporal 375 LE, near the Isle of Galathrellach, collision alarm sounded at half past ten. Topside, we all looked in awe as a massive ship slowly emerged from a towering fog bank. It was bigger than anything we had ever heard of, towering three masts over our own. Moving out of giant's way, we came alongside, waiting for a rain of missiles. When this did not come, and her decks and portholes showed no sign of movement, we crimped our way to the top, reaching the main deck, 250' above a swelling ocean. Tossed with shattered rigging, birds nest, including what looked to be an abandoned roc's nest, the ship was truly a relic of another age.

The lower decks turned out to be the living quarters of all manner of undead and other creatures of the shadows. The creatures were nothing like we see today, instead monstrosities of Chaos, primordial soldiers and unholy things lost since the Creation War.

After losing half of my boarding party, we retreated back to the Svold Kilf with ancient magic, coffers of strange gems, platinum and silver coinage of distant lands, and a bunch of old writings.

- Rarnskeggi, captain of the Svold Kilf - "Boarding the Halatrax"

Ship Planunknown
Hit Pointsunknown
Size900' long, 450' wide
Speedunknown, Spatial Rift

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