
Built23 War March 6607 DE

Etteir was built by the worker legions of Orr-Krurn and Cari'phis. In the Creation War (1486 DE - 8777 DE), these two primordials battled the Nawirrûs Covenant for mastery of the Gorejun continent. With its great port on the Bay of Grek, Etteir was a staging area for seaborne invasions. Of the ships types built here, the most well-known is the Grimsuvelth Trawler.

Built by giants, for giants, Etteir is a massive coastal ruin the size of present-day Paradomea City with its million plus population. Once the tip of the spear for a primordial invasion, Etteir became a dumping ground for elemental motes. Air and earth motes were used in building fortified sky isles, supporting great towering ceilings and bridges that defy gravity. Pulled by dozens of water elementals, water motes heavier than the sea water around them, were used in dredging the Bay of Grek.

At the heart of the ruin is a large hospital/lab that Orr-Krurn used for tests and experiments into improving the capabilities of the chaos archons, giants, and anything else he could get his hands on. One of the more well-known successes was the creation of a two-headed giant, of Earth Giant stock, that Orr-Krurn jokingly referred to as Etteirs; today better known as the Ettin.

In 6985 DE, Etteir was attacked by the Covenant armies of Danzar-Khâl and Sathel. After three months of fighting on land in the sea, Etteir was taken by the Nawirrûs Covenant.

When the Creation War ended, Etteir became the home for earth giants, ettin, and other defeated primordial minions. In the Lith-Crillion Era, fleeing ettin warlords jockeying for control of the city, many earth giants aboard Grimsuvelth Trawlers, moved to the faraway shores of the Aerie of Dragons.

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