Grimsuvelth Trawler

CategorySailing Ships
BuilderBaraglindu, Thithak Bathworks

Grimsuvelth Trawler is a class of merchant ships built for ettins, earth giants and other similarly sized giant-kind. First built in the Creation War (1486 DE - 8777 DE), the shipyards of the great port city Etteir constructed these behemoths to ferry giants and great siege engines from the military staging areas of Gorejun to distant theaters of conflict.

The design of a Grimsuvelth Trawler has changed little since the Dawn Era. It is said the ships are nearly perfect, product of a primordial mastermind named Grimsuvelth. Books absconded from the secretive naval archives of Ivory Asylum claim that their greatest advances in ship design came from the study of Etteir's dry docks and reverse engineering captured Grimsuvelth Trawlers.

Today, these enormous vessels are mostly found along the great quays of Oathundor's coastal holds and moored to the ash covered piers of Dema'sax.

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