Thurnâtha Kerthjorg

frost giant
RegionIce Cap, Cinazan
MapThurnâtha Mountains

East of the Fangs of Steirgar and north of Sahânzar is a towering mountain range the giants named after a legendary storm giant that fought alongside Talos in the Creation War (1486 DE - 8777 DE).

In the Second Epoch, as part of their policy of cultural dominance, inflaming relations, the Khazarkar Empire renamed the area Thurnâtha on all their maps and records; after a hero Khazarkar under the reign of House Adrumul.

Very high mountains topping out at 39,000', Thurnâtha stretches from Cinazan into Ice Cap where it merges with the towering glacial walls of Khalas. Long home to cloud and storm giants, many answer to the Storm Lords; remnants of the Horgon Era, when they were feudal lords under the Aslauthroan Empire (9 HE - 1891 HE).

In the Cinazan Front, a section of the mountains were ripped from the surface and uplifted. Created with the opening of an Entropy Arch inside Sapthiladân, this new area of floating mountains is called Skyldr-Kerthjorg.

Notable Areas