Sylvan Kingdoms

CategoryGeographic Area
RegionLands of Purity

Sylvan Kingdoms is a geographical area south of the Galathien Sea. From the west, the area covers the Vale of Iraktharbhun to the Urkthals seven hundred miles to the east. Wild and towering forests, ancient Covenant ruins, split by mountain ranges, a great marshland linking a freshwater sea with the Pearl Sea, and cut by fast rivers, the Sylvan Kingdoms has long been the home of various fey kingdoms. The current powers of the region are the Monarchy of Galadriël, the city-state of Maharâg, the kingdom of Guthnimor, the holds of As'lumix and Voruner.

The Black Tide War (1465 - 1486) brought much destruction to the Sylvan Kingdoms. Use of the Elder Orb of Embers created two volatile volcanoes, the Mauhúrz-Dúrak ran amok unchecked, and dark dwarves were being created in the ashes of Maharâg.

In 1533 the Golden Elite restored much of the area's former beatury with the Ankh of Phalgas.