Second Ugradrath War

Period1517 - 1523
TheaterCinazan, Grashakh
Orchish Empire VS Khazarkar Empire

In Dras'ee's War (1517 - 1519), thousands of Fograth soldiers, armed forces of the Orchish Empire, styled themselves as mercenaries, joining the rebel queen and her Hive Army. As a result of this indirect aid to the enemy, the Khazarkar Empire declared war on the Orchish Empire, starting the Second Ugradrath War.

The Khazarkar Empire attacked with four armies, two passing the rugged vale of Lyfning Bar, and the others turning the southeastern tip of Ugradrath, and attacking the city of Valangrim.

Lyfning Bar, the most heavily fortified valley of Brucrumus, checked the advance of the northern Khazarkar battle group. The Khazarkar generals expected this, as this was a diversion for the main attack by the southern battle group.

In the last month of 1517, Valangrim was sacked. Garrisoned by the Khazarkar Empire, they pushed south, taking the great city of Matak in 1518. Feigning attempts to recapture the cities, the Orchish Empire sent soldiers through the Tunnels of Ghoronk attacking the Khazarkar cities of Arnogrygg and Aphalê.

The remainder of the war resulted in a back and forth struggle with Matak sacked four times and Aphalê changing hands five times. Brutal sieges, it is said no living creature above an ant suffered the depredations and diet of the forces that occupied these cities.

In 1523, the Pharzîmrâth, theocracy of the Khazarkar Empire, sued for peace. Having suffered economic damage from two wars, they signed the Treaty of Aphalê. As part of the treaty, land and peoples were returned to their rightful owners.

For the Khazarkar Empire, the real reason for ending this war was an assassination. The murder of the reigning Setarch, the work of the Aphallanâth family, led to new rule, a desire to focus on the economy over conflict.
