
RegionGrashakh, Cinazan

The Agluzar, named for an angel that fell in the area, began as a military road. In the Demon Spawn War (89 GE - 269 GE) it supplied the Covenant forces battling the demon thrusts into the Grashakh Region.

Extended with the rise of new civilizations, the Agluzar begins at the ruins of Izanargam. It continues north to Gháshulg then to the eastern edge of Collossapolos and north to the river gates of Thorvir Kroi. Continuing north, the road passes through the vale of Lyfning Bar, following the Vidming river to the ancient titan hold of Arnogrygg. From Arnogrygg, the road leaves the Vidming behind, going north into the Armânuk Hills, pass Avalê to the chaos ruins of Sakarumân.