Square Nails

Square Nails

Square Nails is an ancient tome penned in the God Era. Written by Demogorgon, it began as a war journal. It was read for its insight on his war strategies, supplying a demon army numbering twenty legions, and his ideas on the conflict his enemies called the Demon Spawn War (89 GE - 269 GE). Those that have read it and not become a mouthpiece of its author, say its come off as one not written by perhaps the Abyss's most brutal and evil of demon lords.

In one passage, Demgorgon writes, "most of us wanted a prosperous land of our own, away from the evil tearing apart Piranoths Steps." In another, "hungry for more land and conquests", he details his thinking for the northern push.

For now, strategically blocked from below by Athroond, east by the claims of the fat rat, south by the seas, and west by a bastion of the holier than thou, leaving the north to claim.

  • Operation Foronir - Foronir river under the watch of the legendary Covenant admiral Thjorygg. A route too risky without a navy.
  • Operation Down and Under - the least desirable, too restrictive in your movements, easy to block
  • Operation Dargirth - the Dargirth, in my control all the way to Dalgs Sundering. The "retired" dragons of the Ripper, ally with no side, veterans of the Creation War, charge exorbitant tolls, a war tax they said, claiming them "pensions" for saving the world the first time around
  • the Agulbandal depression, contested by legions of Surtur, a reluctant Covenant ally

When Demogorgon retreated from Bal-Kriav, he left Square Nails in the hands of a trusted mortal. Killed by nomadic orcs, it was passed around the Gud-Mortoth, leading to an uptick in their success on the battlefield. Fights over those wanting to read it led to it being copied, triggering Demogorgon's fell magic. Each copy of the book took on a slightly different meaning, with subtlety, telling of Demogorgon's greatness and his desire to raise up the downtrodden and the oppressed. Many of those that had a copy, became a proselytizer of Demogorgon.

It is a problem, a serious problem. Square Nails does not portray its writer as a demon, or a pitiless monster bent on destruction and the vilest of deeds. He comes off as a freedom fighter. Reading his flowery words, his great stature, poise, and unmatched strength, you would think he is attractive looking, when in fact he is one of the most hideous of the demon lords.

- Giracian, commenting on the book Square Nails - "Bal-Kriav Affairs, 1890 HE"

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