Silt Fist Legion

CategoryCrack Units
AliasKlo Lon Ronax
RegionAerie of Dragons, others
HeadquartersBruh Gevul
Symbolsand tornado
Disbanded17 Saunas 9269 GE

In the Creation War (1486 DE - 8777 DE), the Knudmid found themselves on the world of Bal-Kriav. In the Sands of Hell, under a primordial Arch-Creationist named Storralk, they battled the Covenant and carried out the unsavory task of harvesting Xorn Cysts.

In the Demon Spawn War (8972 GE - 9493 GE), the Knudmid were a free people, sometimes an ally to the Covenant, and always an enemy to the demon invaders. Appreciating their skills, the smarter demons were intent on enslaving them. Those caught, usually ended up under Orcus's slave lords, put to work helping the legions or assigned to some grandiose project to please the big boss.

In the First Dragon Wake (9251 GE - 9269 GE), a war within the Demon Spawn War, the forces of Bahamut pushed into lands long claimed by the Knudmid. The free Knudmid of this desert eagerly joined his army, thereby becoming the Klo Lon Ronak, or Silt Fist Legion. Because of their pacifist nature, they were employed in building fortifications and other military projects to support the Covenant advance into the Aerie of Dragons. One of the great holds they built for the armies of Bahamut is Bruh Gevul. After the First Dragon Wake, Silt Fist Legion disbanded, returning to the Sands of Hell.

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