
Ghar-Lakh - Lirgaza
RegionHells Womb

Ghar-Lakh is a great swamp northeast of Paradomea City. Sited in a pocket bordered by mountain ranges and hills, in the summer months the area falls within the Temporal Zephyr, becoming hot and muggy like the nearby Kamoni jungle.

The areas dangers include insect swarms, basilisk, willow-o-wisp, and unfriendly Graagvrii; descendants of an army that served under Demogorgon in the Demon Spawn War (89 GE - 269 GE).

The area's more intelligent denizens use the swamp's abundant quantities of peat as a fuel source for fires and trade. During the Great Exodus (998 - 1017), the Tragarans arrived on Lirgaza's southern coasts. Here they began rebuilding their civilization, trading with the Graagvrii north of their settlements.

The Graagvrii went to war with the Kal-Oneans over mineral claims in the Mynzuth hills. This Ghar-Lakh War ended in 1022 with the Kal-Oni agreeing to share some of their mining profits. This trade relationship, along with a number of military agreements, still persists under the empire of Paradomea.

A noxious weed called Wastial Scrub grows in this area. This plant is fodder to the waste cows and other plant-eaters. As a defensive measure, many of these creatures have learned how to expel the potent methane gas produced by consumption of this weed. There are thousands of methane pods in these wetlands. The more intelligent creatures of the area use these trees as weapons to incapacitate prey.

Notable Areas
  • Hag River
Notable Resources