Bone Arrow Campaign

Theater of Operations
Period1467 - 1470
TheaterHells Womb
Black Tide VS Celebriän

With the goal of reaching the Lands of Purity, the ambassador of the Black Tide was met with stiff refusals, that no army, and particularly an undead one can pass through Celebriän lands.

In 1467, with Bathor a newly one base, the Bone Arrow Campaign sought to force passage, and looked for ways around and under the Gwaeldior Forest.

After suffering too many losses holding their gains, the Black Tide shifted south, building a series of fortifications along the newly made Black Athroond Road into Moregar. By way of this sinkhole, the Black Tide's northern advance and supply lines went under the forest, crossing into the subterranean reaches of Ufthag and then eventually returning to the surface at Targind-Nal.

Celebriän came to accept the Black Tide gains, attacking only those that wandered too far from the cordon of forts leading into the great sinkhole of Moregar.

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