
CategoryHigher Powers
WorldMycorji (Abyss)
RaceDemon (Demon Lord)
Alignmentchaotic evil
Symbolgreen slime dissolving bone
EnemiesGeb, Juiblex

Zuggtmoy, master of the world of Mycorji, came into renown in the Demon Spawn War (89 GE - 269 GE). She battled all she came across, demons or Covenant, all were fodder for her progeny, hungry fauna, black puddings, oozes, and slimes. Invading the Bal-Kriav region of Faeglor, Zuggtmoy faced the army of Geb. Battling an earthen army, Zuggtmoy kept Geb's elemental army at bay for four decades. Many of the thousands captured by Zuggtmoy's minions ended up in the deadly mines of Siolix. The lucky that survived this ordeal, mutated, becoming a new Giant sub-race named the Fomorian.

In 259 GE, a fomorian hero named Borri Slarek led an uprising against Zuggtmoy. In 261 GE, with the hammer Quake, Borri slew Zuggtmoy, banished her dark essence back to the Abyss for a slow and agonizing regeneration.

Sources of Divine Power
Core WorshipProselytizers
Moth Orgak
Known Powers
Virile Touch all attacks with poison that normally occur over two rounds, are doubled to four rounds