
Green Slime

In the Faeglor Front (228 GE - 261 GE), Siolix was a mining area controlled by the demon lord Zuggtmoy. A toxic area to many types of creatures, including demons, it sometimes mutated creatures into raging, uncontrollable monstrosities. Zuggtmoy's adviser in charge of mining production was to learn that it was the area's deep rock that was the problem.

Short of the skills of a master healer, the mines of Siolix gave a sickness that could not be removed. The lucky that survived, mutated, the unlucky, food for her green slimes, black puddings, and gray oozes.

- Borri, from his book History of Me - "The Mines of Siolix"

Partially from their fortitude and the favor of Geb, earth giants had the best survival rates in the mines. Those that did survive, mutated, becoming a new giant sub-race named the Fomorian.

After the Demon Spawn War, Geb had Siolix sealed behind massive quartz fortresses garrisoned by huge earth elementals and other Earthen loyal to Geb. The solid rock around Siolix is patrolled by teams of earth elementals and kept secure by a vast network of tremor-sense alarms. Another defense of Siolix is a channel of the Earth Seam, a moat to keep the slimy things of Siolix from getting out.

Siolix is a haven for puddings, slimes and oozes. In times of scarcity, the norm, its a vicious cycle of feeding upon each other. In times of plenty, overcrowding drives hundreds to the exits, with some making it past Geb's warden citadels.

Notable Areas
Notable Resources
  • Cassiterite
  • Copper
  • Deep Rock
  • Gemstones - amethyst, banded agate