
TypeProgeny of Baltalas
Alignmentchaotic evil

Kerath is a spawn of a primordial lord named Baltalas. In the Hoof Front (215 GE - 230 GE), Orcus found a way of getting Kerath from his home world Muspelheim to a war-torn world named Bal-Kriav. Unable to control the primordial terror, Kerath smashed his way out of Ghak, Orcus's battlefront capital. He then burned his way to the surface, rampaging through the demon lines and then into the Covenant lines. Lured into a trap set by Bahamut and Geb, Kerath was trapped in a spinning vortex of stone. Soldified and then vented, chained by Kerath Anchors, a volcano formed around the Chained Lord. Named Sken Drog, the eruptions and steam rising from this mountain are the brooding and anger of its prisoner.

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