Atlas Footfalls

Skull Trapper
RegionIce Cap

In the Aettein sector of Ice Cap, there is a land dotted with impact craters. From the intoxicating flower lands of Stinger Meadows to the ridges of Feyl, the largest of these are eight craters surrounded by aliens plants. Brought here on the destroyed moon of Dûlan-Nûl, they survived the vacuum of the Void, and then raining down from the clouds as the Dûlan-Nûl Firestorm.

The areas around these craters, and into the tall grasslands for a dozen miles around, are deadly dangerous. The plant-life here, some quite sentient, are predatory and not like those found elsewhere on Bal-Kriav. Luckily for the surrounding areas, these plants don't survive well in what to them is an alien environment. One of the more dangerous predatory plants is the Skull Trapper; a creature known to decorate its body with the skulls of its kills. Many have tried to eradicate these creatures, the giants of Gadstill Dynasty, the elves of Ithendelt, each learning quickly, the creature's habit of propagating under stress. The giants of Bor studied the problem at length, concluding that what they called Siming Tolod, enter a survival mode when there numbers drop, spawning more of their fast-growing kind.

Khalas's goliath were the first to start calling this area the Atlas Footfalls. In one of their folklore's, Atlas is said to have strode across the land, each footfall crushing hundreds of Gadstill Dynasty soldiers.

Notable Areas