Heinjar Sorgny

RaceStorm and Cloud Giants

Heinjar Sorgny, which in Giant has the meaning "storm clouds", are families of storm and cloud giants that were perhaps the first of their kind. Purposely built by the primordials, or perhaps something even older, they were built for high elevations, thin atmospheres, and with the powers of a storm's fury and vanishing into the winds.

In the Creation War (1486 DE - 8777 DE), one of Heinjar Sorgny's storm giants rose to prominence. Named Talos, he became the leader of these families and their armies, all soldiers of the innumerable masses serving the primordials in their war against the defenders of Creation.

In the great excavation of Angvild, today the area known as the Talos Cleft, the Heinjar Sorgny were put in charge of the administration, whip cracking, and engineering. The cloud giants and other help did the heavy labor and other menial tasks. Those that sought to break this hierarchy, disappeared or perished under unusual circumstances - struck down by a rogue storm, sucked away in an mysterious eddy, suffering the wrath of the Heinjar Sorgny.

The Heinjar Sorgny are the fore-bearers for many of the cloud and storm giants scattered across the world of Bal-Kriav. The regimentation of the storm giants and cloud giants still holds in some areas of the realm. In the reign of Aslauthroa (9 HE - 1891 HE), storm giants were at the top, seconded by cloud giants with much more mobility than times past. Today, the city-state of Griddrir, once capital of Aslauthroa, still has a society where storm giants hold the best stations.

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