
Anaz (surface) - Narbuzad
LocationClans, Unaraggumak
Created9 Saunas 6404 DE

Anaz is an otherworldly mountain brought to the world of Bal-Kriav in the Creation War (1486 DE - 8777 DE). Once part of the faraway moon of Bingatho, it came through the Anaz Rift along with a primordial monstrosity named Bryakus.

Shaped like a volcano, when Anaz erupts, and it does so frequently, it unleashes hot air, steam and moisture. The out-of-place jungle of Goldarah, verdant in a temperate environment, is a product of Anaz's eruptions and the Anaz Rift inside it. Most of the creatures that inhabit Anaz's slippery slopes and inside of it, are those that have passed through the rift from the far away moon Bingatho. Once coming through the rift, unable to return, they mostly find themselves a prisoner of Anaz and the jungle around it, unable to survive in the much cooler lands around.

The amount of water coming out of Anaz make it the headwaters of the river Kazdal flowing south, and the Turuk River flowing east.

Notable Areas