Godheads Revenge

CategorySailing Ships

Godheads Revenge is the flagship of the Armada of the Damned. The captain of this ship has absolute control over the up to thirty ships that make-up the Armada of the Damned. Godheads Revenge is the only ship of the Armada of the Damned that can be safely boarded by the living; the others are crewed only by the undead and built with a hull that radiates negative energy and generally life draining.

At the wheel of the Skyreaver, I steered into a planar rift. My crew, fellow adventurers, and friends of Black Banner were on a mission to bring back an exiled Syndic of the Council of Nine.

We left a raging storm and then entered another, the sky was dark, flotsam was everywhere, the remnants of some recent sea battle. Waves of despair and hopelessness passed through our fearsome band. I had to calm the crew. Even the knight Lazarus required brave words on my part to keep from leaping overboard.

We felt primal energies, hatred, and the emotions of thousands of creatures in a titanic struggle. Wise in the matters beyond our world, Katrana said we were feeling the war urge of the Acheron system.

Lightning and thunder rocked the vessel, the sails flap and the riggings creak under the gales. An occasional moan, laughter, or anguish is heard over all of this.

The storm suddenly breaks. In the distance, our destination, part-time Syndic retreat, part-time secret research installation, a bastion built into an isle of jagged and broken rock. Built up over centuries, Bana-Zîr is said to fill the entire island, most underground and even into the eerie sea around it.

- Jairall, from a Skyreaver ship journal - "Into the Tintibulus Chute"

In 1457, Godheads Revenge was taken from Bana-Zîr by Black Banner. This flagship and her Armada of the Damned went on to wreck havoc in the Black Tide War (1465 - 1486). In the Battle of Bloodtusk Bay, Godheads Revenge and her Armada of the Damned were sunk.

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