Arioch Cloud

Timepiece of Chronos
?? Arioch
Opened19 Lunar 105 GE
Closed2 Brightstar 243 GE

A product of the Demon Spawn War (89 GE - 269 GE), the Arioch Cloud is a rift in the deeps of Curatoch. Technically still open, it is surrounded by a dangerous field of time displacement. It is so dangerous that only Chronos and a few time elementals can enter; others are cast into a different dimension, frozen in time. In the Demon Spawn War, linking the world of Bal-Kriav with the demon lord Athroond's home world, the Arioch Cloud served as a path of invasion for tens of thousands of demons and hundreds of aboleth.

On 2 Brightstar 243 GE, the Covenant commander Marindecar activated an artifact named the Timepiece of Chronos. Requiring all of her life energy to power up, the device froze everything around the rift, friend and foe, shunting them off to a timeless dimension. So powerful was the Timepiece of Chronos, that its effect carried across the rift, time displacing the world of Arioch.