
Hungrur Drain

Hungrur is a fiery wasteland of the Olmi Hjark mountain range. A cooked basin, it is a product of the frequent eruptions of the Torowkrorn volcano. In addition to eruptions, the area is punished by continuous streams of magma flowing easterly into a perpetual lake of magma. The overflow ends up flowing down old mining shafts, then into the dark reaches below where it recycles into one of the rivulets of Surturs Artery, the Skera Hrolmir.

In the Second Epoch, the Orchish Empire claimed the area's iron deposits. When this was contested by the lord of Krarthjar, so started the Hungrur War (1406 - 1409). This ended when the Torowkrorn Volcano was made "hot". In a few years, eruptions engulfed most of the area's mining operations. Mine shafts that once supplied 50% of the Orchish Empire's iron became lava drains. Luckily for the verdant lands to the east, the lava lake and the wasteland was stopped from getting bigger.

Today, this area is home to fire mephits, salamanders and other fiery brutes. These creatures, brought to this area when Torowkrorn went hot, are generally hostile. Even the fire giants living in Torowkrorn have problems with them. They share intelligence with their old Githirmil rivals; now partners in keeping the restless natives in check.

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