Granitoid Spill

Mud Flats

The Granitoid Spill is a churned up wasteland of broken rock, mud flats, and dirt. A Brownland, it a product of the Togomud Sink. Rilirthad maintains a huge labor force in this area. They are always working to keep grasses, plants, and trees from taking root. The soil is very rich in some areas, so much that the druids of the Greenland Alliance have an easy time with their plant growth spells, pushing back the Brownlands and creating areas of great conflict between the two sides.

For more than a century, the dark mud flats of this vast area have been expanding in all directions. There are many trying to stop this. The creation of the Eye of Poseidon has stopped some of the western expansion. The opening of the Waterhaven Channel has slowed the area's southern and eastern expansion.

On the edges of the Granitoid Spill are wide mud flats. This area on the fringes of the browning lands, is the home of thousands of mudmen. Rebellious in the Creation War, of no use to the Primordial Lords, they were left to go about their business, only used in great numbers when they wanted to terraform the land around with their bodies.

So listen up, listen carefully, whenever possible, bypass them, they are helping us in this good fight.

- Alpring, treant hierophant, 3rd Landscaper to Lokestant - "Mudmen Friends"