Morte'lumin War

Period6115 DE - 8066 DE
WorldsStep of Foundation, Bal-Kriav
TheatersMorte'lumin, Sands of Hell
Hon'palos VS Storralk

The Morte'lumin War, a sub-conflict of the Creation War (1486 DE - 8777 DE), was an internal conflict on the primordial side between Hon'palos and his boss Storralk. The enmity came from Storralk's jealousy of his protege's battlefield successes. To put Hon'palos in his place, when it came time for a well-earned promotion, Hon'palos was transformed into a monstrous worm. Angered with this pettiness, Hon'palos prepared for war.

The conflict eventually spilled over from the Step of Foudation to the world of Bal-Kriav. This came in the form of primordial sand worms delivered to one Bal-Kriav's deserts, the Sands of Hell. Cast through a rift, allies to none, creatures of pure entropic motive, they became a bane to any crossing this land.

Another internal conflict of this war was between Krephus, a truly massive primordial purple worm, and her maker. When Krephus learned her progeny were being used as living war machines, she fled the banner of Hon'palos, moving to the world of Bal-Kriav where she went on to spread purple worms across the lands.

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